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I hope you didn't have any trouble downloading Teresa Schumacher's book Cleansing the Body and the Colon for a Happier and Healthier You. If you haven't had a chance to read it yet, I encourage you to do so. It's a real eye-opener!
If you haven't downloaded the book yet, you can get it here. Feel free to share this book with friends, as well.
Colon Health Diet Tips
A colon health diet is important if you want to maintain overall good health. It is well documented in medical publications, that your body is really only as healthy as your digestive health.
As more people realize the importance their bowels and proper digestion play in their overall health, they are looking for reliable colon health information.
I see advertisements by the medical profession and even by some governments that encourage regular colonoscopy tests to monitor your colon health.
I admit I'm skeptical when it comes to all this invasive testing. I've read too many reports, I guess, of people who had their bowel punctured during a routine colonoscopy, leading to long term colon problems.
I'm not going to say, "Don't get a colonoscopy!" Who knows? You may be one of the few people that genuinely needs one. Instead, I'd rather encourage you to take some natural steps to include a colon health diet as part of your regular routine and then you won't have as much to worry about.
Your intestines need bulk fiber to help move waste matter along through the digestive tract. When you don't get enough good fiber in your diet, food tends to sit in your colon and rot.
As you can well imagine, this rotting waste creates a load of toxins that your body then has to try to deal with. It's becomes a stress on all of the other filtering organs. If they can't handle the amount of toxins they are getting, the result is illness and disease.
It's amazing how simple the concept of digestive health really is, but we tend to overlook these simple truths far too often.
What kind of foods make up a good colon health diet?

- whole grains
- vegetables
- fruits
- cereals
- beans
- nuts
- seeds
These are the foods that are high in fiber. Any colon health information you read will tell you that the average person should eat between 30-40 grams of fiber per day. Do you know how much fiber you're getting?
The majority of people only get about half the fiber they need for a properly balanced colon health diet. In this instance, I'm part of the majority.
I get a fair amount of fiber on some days, but those days are few and far between. Most days I don't even come close. My solution? Herbal Fiberblend!
Herbal Fiberblend is soluble and insoluble psyllium fiber. It also has the added benefit of 17 different herbs that work together to kill parasites, fungus, and bacteria that you may be harboring as unwelcome guests of your digestive tract.
By mixing HFB in a little water or juice once or twice a day, you'll not only get the fiber you need each day, but you'll also ward off 'germs' or 'bugs' you've picked up along the way.
If you are already suffering from poor bowel health, consider a full colon cleanse with Herbal Fiberblend over a three month period. You'll be amazed at the benefits you'll receive.
When you take care of your health plus colon cleanse regularly, you have a much better chance of eliminating the possibility of many common health ailments like constipation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hemorrhoids, obesity, high blood sugar, heart disease and colon cancer.
Eat right with a colon health diet in mind as best you can and supplement as needed with additional fiber. When you keep your digestive tract healthy, the rest of your body has a much better chance of following suit.
To your good health!
Angie AllAboutParasites.com
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