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Are You Breathing Clean Air?
Your house plants can make a big difference!
A lot of us worry about all the toxins and pollutants in the air we breathe. It is hard to maintain inner health when we are breathing in toxic air with every breath!
Did you know that the products you use and the furnishings in your home can produce toxins that permeate the air you breathe?
Here are a list of some of the sources of airborne toxins:
Benzene Based Toxins
- detergents
- inks and dyes
- petroleum products
- plastics
- rubber products
- synthetic fibers
- tobacco smoke
Formaldehyde Based Toxins
- carpeting
- cleaners
- foam insulation
- furniture
- paper products
- plywoods and particle boards
Trichloroethylene Toxins
- adhesives
- dry cleaning
- inks and dyes
- lacquers and paints
- varnishes
I'm certainly not saying that you need to eliminate all of these potential sources of toxic air. I think it would be almost impossible to do that and live in this world.
However, there is something you can do!
The Lord comes to the rescue again. :-) There are a number of plants that actually pull the toxins out of the air and draw them down through the leaves and into the roots.
If you place a few lovely house plants around your home, they will do the job of purifying your air and providing added oxygen for you and your family.
What are the best plants to use as air purifiers?
Since I've mentioned three different types of toxins to be concerned about, I want to give you a list of plants that remove each type of toxin.
Plants For Removing Benzene Based Toxins
- Peace Lily
- English Ivy
- Dragon Tree
- Chrysanthemum
- Striped Dracaena
- Chinese Evergreens
- Janet Craig Dracaena
Plants For Removing Formaldehyde Based Toxins
- Devils Ivy
- Ficus Trees
- Snake Plant
- Spider Plants
- Bamboo Palm
- Golden Pathos
- Philodendrons
- Corn Stalk Plant
Plants For Removing Trichloroethylene Toxins
- Peace Lily
- Ribbon Plant
- Gerbera Daisy
- Dracaena Marginata
- Potted Flowering Mums
In order to eliminate the most amount of toxins, why not choose a variety of plants from each category to place around your home? They will do their job and bring a cheerful atmosphere to your home as well, especially if you choose flowering plants.
How Many Plants Do You Need?
In order to have enough plants to eliminate potential toxins, you should plan about 1 plant per 100 square feet in your home.
I hope you enjoy the fresh air and the brighter ambience in your home. Your "Inner Health" will thank you, too.
Before I go, I promised to let you know about the progress of my ringing ears (tinnitus). I began the treatment I mentioned in the last issue. I'm taking Zinc, Folic Acid, Vitamin B-12, and Ginkgo Biloba.
I've seen a bit of improvement already, but I think I'm going to have to keep it up for a couple of months to get full relief.
If you have any questions or a topic you'd like me to cover, use my contact form and let me know about it.
Until next time, To your good health!
Angie AllAboutParasites.com
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