Absorption of Salba

by Bal Manhas
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

I have a question about the absorption of Salba.

I take 2 Tbsp. of Salba every day. I noticed during a bowel movement a couple of days ago that the salba seeds are coming out. This means my body is not absorbing the seed. Please explain.

Hi Bal,

Regarding the absorption of Salba, you need to understand the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber.

Soluble fiber is fiber that dissolves in water, while insoluble fiber absorbs water and bulks up.

The Salba grain contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. This is why you can still see some of the "grain" in your stool.

As the insoluble fiber bulks up with water, it helps your bowel movements to pass more easily through your colon so that you have a much more gentle and thorough elimination.

Because you are seeing the seeds in your waste doesn't mean your body has not absorbed the benefits of the Omega 3 and other vitamins and nutrients that the Salba grain provides.

If you are concerned about getting the best nutritional absorption of Salba or any other whole food you eat, your best option (in my opinion) is to treat yourself to a full 3 month cleanse using Herbal Fiberblend. HFB works to completely cleanse and scrape clean the digestive tract so that it can absorb the benefits of your food more effectively and efficiently and remove the various toxins from your body.

Although I recommend and quite like the Salba Grain, I prefer to use the Herbal Fiberblend in most instances for cleansing and healing.

Hope that helps to clear things up for you. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

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