Black Thread Worm Like Parasite
by Lisa
(Houston Texas)
What are black thread worm like parasite that burrow in skin?
I have black thread like worm parasites that looks like a coarse black hair coming out of my skin on my right arm and can feel it burrowing in and out of my skin.
It hasn't reached any other part of my body that I am aware of yet.
Yesterday it started with one area on my right arm with a couple of thick black hairs coming out of my skin. My hair on my arm is blond so these black hairs stand out, when looking at the irritated area, but can only be seen with a magnifying glass.
Now 1 day later it's in 5 different areas on my right arm.
I have scratched until I bled and dug out whatever is in my skin, but never find anything or it's so small that I cannot see it.
I also started to notice that I had a couple of tiny long string like parasites that looks like a week old scratch. Not a fresh scratch, but an old one that is crusted, but the crust doesn't flake, bleed or even hurt.
I noticed it earlier now I notice that 2 more have appeared in the same area on my right arm. So far they have not spread anywhere else on my body.
I feel like I am losing my mind but only because this happened to me about 6 months ago and I thought that I might have picked up something from working in the yard and it
took 2 months to get rid of.
But now that its back I am wondering if this is something that I have picked up from my roommates cats and dog.
Any info you have on this would be appreciated.
Hi Lisa,
Some of the people who visit this website regularly would probably tell you that you've got Morgellon's because of your description of the black thread worm like parasite on your skin.
If that were the case, I would think that you would have much more than the few areas on one arm after dealing with it for over 6 months. Most people who believe they have Morgellons symptoms seem to get worse and worse with a lot more severe symptoms than you are describing.
I don't know what parasite would act like you are describing as the black hairs on your arm, but I am not an expert in all forms of parasites.
It's a possibility that you are actually dealing with a fungal condition, or scabies, etc., which is much more common.
Internal cleansing and immune support are always good options when dealing with parasites of any variety. That's always my first suggestion.
Topically, you can try some of the antifungal and antiparasitic essential oils to try clearing it up. Rinse the arm with sea salt in warm water and then apply the essential oil of your choice, tea tree, lavender, oregano, garlic, clove, etc.
I hope this helps you to get rid of the problem for good this time.
To your good health!Angie