Bowel Rotted
by Cass
You just never know!
Hi, I just found out my friend died after her bowel rotted. There was no warning signs till it was too late.
Now I'm scared and worried as it's not something you think would ever happen. I don't go number 2 daily and now I'm scared. What do you recommend?
Hi Cass,
I'm terribly sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. It is never easy to lose someone, but when it is completely unexpected and out of the blue, it seems to be worse.
You're right that we don't often think about the importance of our bowel health. I believe a lot of us run around with a toxic bowel and we just ignore it or brush away the symptoms thinking it's "normal" when we feel constipated, bloated, etc.
I'll tell you what I do and what I suggest to others to help maintain a healthy bowel and of course regularity of number 2 bowel movements also.
I use
Herbal Fiberblend. Basically, HFB is just a mixture of herbs and psyllium powder and is a gentle and natural bowel cleanser.
When you are cleansing for the first time, I suggest you do a 3-month cleanse (which just means you use it twice a day for 3 months). You start with 1 tsp. two times a day and work your way up to 1 tablespoon two times a day.
You'll find that it helps to clean out your entire digestive tract, regulate your bowel movements wonderfully well, and even help clear up seemingly unrelated issues.
It's funny in a way that I should get your note today (Jan. 1), as I was just thinking to myself about an hour ago that I probably ought to start the year off with a good clean out using Herbal Fiberblend. Your post has just reinforced to me that I most definitely will do it.
I keep HFB on hand all the time for days when I don't feel quite well or if I've splurged on a rather extravagant meal and am feeling the unpleasant tummy bloating. But, I like to give myself a good cleanse every 12-18 months or so and I'm certainly due!
If you are interested, you can purchase HFB using the
Australian Order Form and we can do the cleanse together. :)
Once again, please except my sincere sympathies at the loss of your friend. I'm saying a prayer now for you that the Lord will comfort your heart through your sadness.