Cleanse For Morgellons

by Linda
(Austin, TX)

What would be a good cleanse for Morgellons disease?

I have it on my body and it recently spread to my vagina and anus area. What do I do? It looks like a horror movie!

Thanks for any suggestions you can give.

Hi Linda,

So sorry to hear of the horror you are going through. According to the "experts" there is no real cleanse for Morgellons, or in fact such a thing as Morgellons disease at all. That's one of the most discouraging aspects to those who suffer from this strange condition.

However, we do recommend a cleanse for Morgellons and that's Herbal Fiberblend, a combination of herbs and fiber that cleans out the digestive tract and helps eliminate a wide range of parasites and internal toxins. It's an excellent detox and cleanse for any number of conditions.

There are additional supplements that are helpful when dealing with Morgellons disease and you can check out the suggestions on this Morgellons treatment page.

Because you are experiencing symptoms in your vagina and anus, I am very much inclined to believe that you have a serious yeast overgrowth (candida) either underlying your condition or as a result of your condition. I wouldn't be surprised if you focused on targeting the yeast overgrowth, you'd get relief from all of your symptoms in the process.

Fortunately, the suggestions for cleansing a yeast overgrowth are pretty much the same as cleansing for Morgellons.

You want to eliminate the parasites with a herbal cleanse and boost the immune system with the best probiotics you can and nutritional supplements.

You also need to be very conscious of your diet. Sugar and processed foods feed candida/yeast and make it harder to recover. You can
check out the candida diet guidelines to get an idea of what you should and should not eat, at least until you have your condition under control.

Let me also give you some tips for helping to relieve the external symptoms while you are cleansing from the inside.

Buy a bottle of organic apple cider vinegar, if you don't already have some. Bragg's is a good brand and is usually available in most grocery stores (in the health food section) and health food stores.

Apply the apple cider vinegar to the vagina and rectum either full strength or slightly diluted with water if necessary. You can even pour some in your bath for a good soak for your whole body, but I'd use it full strength on the affected areas if it doesn't sting. I find that it doesn't in most instances.

You can do this several times per day to help relieve the itching and burning sensations and to help kill the yeast from the outside.

You can also add a tablespoon of the ACV to a glass of water and drink it each day to speed up the process of healing.

I hope you will be able to follow the suggested protocol for either a natural candida cleanse or the Morgellons treatment. I would really appreciate you letting me know how you improve, etc., as a result.

If you are unable to afford the full cleanse for Morgellons suggestions, the basics would be the Herbal Fiberblend, Bear Paw Garlic, Florafood, and using the Bragg's apple cider vinegar in conjunction with the dietary changes suggested.

Looking forward to hearing some good news from you in the near future! To your good health!


Comments for Cleanse For Morgellons

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Sep 24, 2016
by: Deborah

For the scabs use Glycolic acid lotion and rotate with garlic cream or paste, there could be a MRSA or staff component also. If garlic paste or cream does not work try No Mor Gellons Natural Skin Cream.

Mar 23, 2012
Hair Regrowth
by: Angie

Hi Danielle,

I did a bit more looking around for you to see what else might be helpful with your hair besides the Vitamin E that I mentioned earlier.

I found a few things I thought would be worth trying. First is this Hair Formula + for Women (90 tablets). These are a combination of natural supplements in a tablet form that's really supposed to help with hair loss.

Then, they also have this Healthy Shampoo with Emu Oil and the Conditioner with Emu Oil too.

If you decide to give them a try, do keep me posted on the results. I'm seriously thinking of trying them myself, just to promote a healthier head of hair.


Mar 23, 2012
Demodex Hair Mite
by: Angie

Hi Danielle,

Check your email for a question about your order. :)

Are you talking about the Demodex mite? There are a few pages here on the site where people have been talking about their experiences with what they believe to be the demodex hair mite. Type in the word "demodex" in the search bar on the top right of this page and you can read through the suggestions and comments that various people have made.

You can then ask questions on those specific pages and get more targeted answers.


Mar 23, 2012
To Angie
by: Danielle

Thanks Angie.

My Debit card worked. I can`t wait to try you product.

Also, what do you know about Demorex Hair Mite treatment?


Mar 22, 2012
Ordering HFB in Canada
by: Angie

Hi Danielle,

I'm pretty sure that a Visa Debit card would be accepted. I've processed other orders for people on their debit card without problem, so it shouldn't be a problem.

If you prefer, though, you could call the Canada office yourself and place your order over the phone. Their number is 888-343-9977. You'll need my member ID# 674838 (Angie Berg) in order to get the wholesale price unless you are placing a large enough order to qualify for free membership yourself. If you do go that route, perhaps you would be kind enough to let them know I referred you to them. ;)

Let me know if you have any trouble.

Mar 22, 2012
by: Danielle

Hi Angie.

The thing is I don't have a credit card and they, I believe, don't take debit, right?

Take care,


Mar 20, 2012
Herbal Fiberblend in Canada
by: Angie

Hi Danielle,

The enzyme/acidophilus combo won't "hurt" you, but you'd just be wasting your money because the benefit would be lost. ;) Taking them at different times of the day solves the problem.

To get the Herbal Fiberblend in Canada, you can use our Canada order form. Because the AIM products are usually marketed directly to the customer, it's hard to find them in local shops.

To be honest, if you did find them in your local health food store, they'd be marked up considerably. Ordering them directly from AIM/us gives you the absolute lowest wholesale price.

As for the hair growth, off the top of my head I would immediately say Vitamin E. Take about 2000 units per day. There may be some other helpful supplements, but I'll have to do a little research for you.

Of course, as you watch your diet and get as much nutrition as you can, that should help automatically. The more nutritional support your body has the better.

Hopefully Linda will be able to come back and give us an update soon. I activated the date feature on these posts, so we can keep better track of everyone. :)


Mar 20, 2012
To Angie
by: Danielle

Thank you Angie.

I didn't know that Enzymes and Acidophilus was a bad combo. I'll be careful.
Could you suggest something that would help the regrowth of my hair? And also, I'm from Penticton BC, Canada...would you know where can I get Herbal Fiberblend in my area?

Again, thank you.
P/S: Do you know how Linda is doing?


Mar 20, 2012
Cleanse for Morgellons or Yeast Infections
by: Angie

Dear Danielle,

So glad to hear you are taking some acidophilus and seeing some relief from your yeast infection. Acidophilus bifidus in one of the strains of probiotics (good bacteria) that I suggested to Linda in my original response.

I'm glad when others report their experiences because it helps to confirm to those seeking info that what we are saying is true about the benefits of cleansing and boosting the immune system. :)

The other supplements you are taking should certainly be helpful as well.

I'm sorry to hear that you have only received a temporary reprieve in the past and then had vicious flare ups again.

Have you considered trying the Herbal Fiberblend on a long term basis? It is safe to take daily for years without suffering side effects. This may help prevent the recurrence cycle that you have been experiencing, particularly if you continue daily with the probiotics (acidophilus or a combination) for the long term, too.

You mentioned that you were taking enzymes as well. That's great, but hopefully you were advised not to take them at the same time as the acidophilus. They need to be taken at alternate meals (or a different time of day for the probiotics) so that the enzymes don't destroy the good bacteria when taken together.

To your continued good health!

Mar 20, 2012
This is for Linda @ cleanse for Morgellons
by: Danielle

Hello Linda.

I know what you`re going thru, believe me.

You might wanna look up Malassezia Yeast...the symptoms are just about the same then Morgellons,
but Morgellons, as far as I know, doesn`t go in the vagina or anus...yeast is more like it.

I`ve been fighting this monster for 4 years now, it gets better and comes back like a lion.

This past week, a friend of mine told me about "Acidophilus Bifidus" she takes to fight yeast infection and gave me some. I bought some and started taking them, 3 pills 3 times a day.
I went true hell for 4 or 5 hours, went to bed and got up and been just about symptoms free for the last 2 days, witch had not happened for the last 10 months. Is it gonna last???I sure hope so but at this point and after trying and done everything you can think of, I have no illusions.
I also started taking Zinc, B50 vitamins, stomach enzimes and echinacea (double dose of each) to boost my immune system.
Anything is worth a try, no?

But check "Malassezia Yeast"!
Good luck and please, keep me poster.

BC, Canada

Mar 20, 2012
This helped me
by: Anonymous

I take 500ppm collodial silver. Take 2 teaspoons of collodial silver 3-4 times a day. You can take it straight of mix it in a very small amount of water. Give it 1 week and see a huge improvement. I also got some anti-parasite herbal tablets online that kills 600+ parasites. Taking these treaments together I have found a remedy for Morgellons. I no longer have sores appearing. The sores are going away. No more black sand specs or sting like material coming out of my skin. This is my testominy which is true and factual after only 10 days. I am going to continue this to 20 days so all the eggs are killed as well. Also, collodial silver is known to kill the bad organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites and many other benefits. You can also apply the collidial silver topically directly on the affected area 3 times a day. Make sure you look for strong collodial silver that is at least 500ppm and I reccomend buying enough to last 20 days which is a lot. It takes about 1-2 bottles a week. So 4-5 bottles should last 20 days. The herbal pills contain wormwood and other anti-parasitcs. I know for a fact that morgellons is a parasite. I paid $130 dollars to a friend that does DNA lab testing of skin and blood looking for organisms. In my sample he found an unkown parasite that he has never seen before and does not match any textbook parasite. He said the closest thing to morgellons parasites is lime disease. He told me to change my diet to cut out all sugar if possible. They feed on sugar. No alchohal, no soda drinks which are full of 20 teaspoons of sugar which feeds morgellons. Also many morgellons sufferers including me are constipated from the parasites and get sores or fatigue. Make sure to eat lots of fiber or buy fiber formulas or pills to reverse the constipation. You will feel much better at the end of 1 week and a new person after 2 weeks.

Mar 19, 2012
Cleanse For Morgellons
by: Angie

Dear Linda,

Those phones can drive me crazy, too, trying to type in what I want to say instead of what it wants to say! :) I edited your post for you so it makes sense and says what you intended.

I think you may have misunderstood me. I believe that Morgellons is real but mainstream medicine has not recognized it yet. The suggestions we have made here for a Morgellons treatment are based on our knowledge and understanding of both the way the human body works and the best natural methods for dealing with parasites (all sorts).

Even though you only remember having a yeast infection once, back in the 80's, that doesn't mean you haven't had once since or even now. You may have had a vaginal yeast infection then, but there are many different symptoms of candida (yeast overgrowth) that people don't realize are related.

You mentioned the white tongue. That's another symptom of yeast overgrowth (candida). It's often called thrush.

I definitely believe you in regards to what you are saying. You're welcome to send photos if you want me to add them to this page (just send them to my email at angie (at) allaboutparasites (dot) com).

What I'm trying to help you understand is that whether you have a yeast infection leading to Morgellons, or Morgellons leading to a yeast infection, or one or the other of them, or even any other parasite related illness, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to CLEANSE internally and BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM.

This is the only way your body is able to help you get rid of the problem. You have to give it what it needs to eliminate the problem. Does that make sense? I hope so.


Mar 19, 2012
Reply to your comments
by: Linda

I've had one yeast infection and that was in 1980, after the birth of my son. These things look like long worms and some look like they have eyes. Yuck.

One of the pictures I took has an arm looking thing with three long fingers (Or tendrils poked inside of me. I also have the white tongue.

Another weird thing is that I have a tooth that needs to be removed and sometimes I have to remove the food stuck inside. I lay it on a Kleenex and I've noticed it will move and change shapes. It's so disgusting.

I can send pictures if you don't believe me. Sometimes I feel like I'm crazy but I've started taking pictures just to make sure what I'm seeing is for real.

I also read that Morgellons has been diagnosed as a real disease. If not, why would I want to follow the Morgellons treatment if its not for real?

I know I have something going on with me and I have all the symptoms of the disease and have looked at the pictures. Maybe I'm crazy but I want this stuff gone asap. I've been dealing with it for 2 years but now it has moved down below and I can't handle it.

I hope this makes sense to you. My phone likes to substitute its own words instead of mine. Please respond and thanks so much for your help.


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