Delusional Parasitosis
by KIM
Is it madness or parasites?
Please, could anyone tell me if there is a private microbiology lab where I can pay to have a deep skin biopsy?
I am at my wits end trying to get the doctors to accept that I have a parasite infestation. In fact, I have just been diagnosed with delusional parasitosis and I am now sitting in the mental health system.
Hi Kim,
I'm so sorry to hear of your situation. It must be scary and frustrating, making you feel quite helpless. Regardless of the cause of your condition, that kind of stress will only make matters worse for you.
First of all, where are you located? You wrote Portsmouth, but which one? There are several across the world, and I can't try to help you locate an independent lab if you don't give me more specifics. :-)
To be honest, I don't know that a deep skin biopsy will be of much help. Parasites can be very difficult to identify through testing. Even people with worms will not test positive in stool samples unless several tests are taken over a period of time. It can be tricky.
On the other hand, the World Health Organization acknowledges that parasites are near the top of the list of the most harmful infectious diseases in the world today.
Unfortunately, because doctors have difficulty in successfully identifying and diagnosing parasites, they tend to disregard the possibility and people have to suffer as a consequence.
I know that doctors label people with the diagnosis of delusional parasitosis and put them on anti-psychotic drugs.
I feel quite certain that many people are misdiagnosed in the first place. However, even if the diagnosis was correct, the treatment seems absurd to me.
If a person
did have delusional parasitosis, what is the cause? Is it a lack of anti-psychotic drugs in the system? Certainly not! I wish we had more doctors who would look at finding a cause
and eliminating the cause of illness rather than prescribing a treatment to mask or cover up the problem.
I'm ranting myself now, aren't I? Sorry about that, but it does have a tendency to make my blood boil.
Kim, if you really do feel that you have a parasite infestation, you can treat that on your own naturally. Herbs are very effective in cleansing parasites out of your system without negative side effects (apart from the detox effects - sort of like having the flu).
If you are in the US, I'd recommend you get the following supplements...
- Para 90 - herbal capsules for parasite cleansing.
- Herbal Fiberblend - fiber and herbal combo to thoroughly clean out the digestive tract and push the dead and dying parasites as quickly as possible out of the intestines.
- Florafood - good bacteria to help your body fight against the bad bacteria in your system.
- Garden Trio - whole food supplement powders to boost your nutrition levels and give your body the building blocks it needs to heal itself.
If parasites are the problem, those supplements will give your body the best tools to get rid of them naturally. If there is a different problem that is causing you to "feel" like you have parasites, the supplements can still help because they will help to cleanse your body of whatever is toxic and strengthen your immune system so that your body can target the problem and heal itself.
You can
order them in the US here. If you are in the UK, you won't be able to get the Para 90 or Florafood there. You'll have to look for some good quality probiotics locally. You can
order the other items in the UK here.
I pray that the Lord will help you to get better soon. Please keep me updated on your progress. If I can provide further help, please let me know.
To your good health!Angie