Demodex Mite
by Debra C.
(Bradford, PA)
The Demodex Mite, Skin Parasites, and Know-It-All Uncompassionate Doctors
This all started about 3 weeks ago after I got healed from a broken thumb nail that split in the middle of the thumbnail all the way through!
I was at total peace of mind when this happened and was ready to give my new neighbors a Bible study. Coincidence? I don't think so.
This is a satanic attack and I know it. Bugs too small to be seen and medical staff that could not care less and think I am suffering from delusional parasitosis.
One doctor from the ER that I went to here in town forced me into the psych unit for a night and most of the next day! I came there because I had an allergic reaction, begged his help and he responded by forcing me into the psych unit.
Had I not "voluntarily" agreed to see the psych doctor and go to the unit "of my own volition" they would have 302'd me mandatory for 3 days just because I was trying to get tape samples of whatever this is from my scalp!
Wouldn't you be trying to find out and prove that you had something on you when someone was trying to make out that you were crazy and that it was "all in your head"?! Heartless, unprofessional CREEP!
I THINK (I don't know obviously) that I am having a problem with what is called a demodex mite. A mite that I guess lives on dogs but can infest humans.
When they do, they infest the scalp, the eyebrows, eyelashes and face such as cheeks, nose and ears. This is where my problems are. I am not bothered from the neck down just the face and scalp.
It feels like crawling and sometimes like jumping or popping and sometimes I feel a bite that stings. I found a larvae on my head and gave it to an exterminator who was going to give it to his boss to be microscoped but he has never gotten back to me on what it was.
I have not found anymore larvae since. It took long enough to find that one.
I have NEVER hallucinated in my life and I am not imagining this out of an irrational fear even though I am somewhat bug a phobic. I don't like bugs because I had to do a bug collection of 250 different kinds in high school. It made me fear them.
I am utterly TERRIFIED of spiders and always will be. But, I do not IMAGINE bugs on my body. I have never had this kind of problem before.
I had head lice as a child. You can see them. But I had vaguely heard that there was supposed to be a tiny head lice that didn't respond to normal treatment and at first I thought I might have them because of where (the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows) the itching and crawling were.
I shampooed first with Adam's dog shampoo and for about 24 hours was ok. Then it started again. I figured I missed some or maybe got reinfected by doing the clothing so I shampooed again using human lice shampoo.
Of course I sprayed my carpets and vacuumed and even ironed my tempurpedic mattress!
After 5 days of repeated shampooing I figured I was missing the nits and so I decided the hair had to go. All 10 yrs. worth of it!
I cried and cried. I feel so ugly now.
I thought that would do the trick along with shampooing my bald head and getting the laundry done up of course.
I even shampooed the dog because the vet said that human lice could be transferred and vice versa. But to no avail.
The vet said that lice products wouldn't work if it was demodex and that even scabies mite lotion wouldn't work. I haven't tried scabies mite lotion but I show no visible signs of scabies mites.
One of the ER doctors I saw said he thought I had bedbugs because our town is having a problem with them. He never even looked at my scalp with his naked eye and all he did was have me hold up the container of samples I took on tape and he declared I had bedbugs.
I tried to tell him that I had had a problem with fleas earlier and that might be what he saw. That he should look at the samples under a microscope but he said that wasn't necessary because he KNEW it was bedbugs.
Well guess what? It WASN'T bedbugs. The exterminator clarified that and I now know what a bedbug looks like and how it acts.
Goes to show you the arrogance of doctors and there crackshot diagnoses. If you don't LOOK at someone's scalp or area of problem, HOW can you diagnose WHAT it is that is wrong?
And just because you can't see with the human eye does not mean that it doesn't exist. Scabies mites are
microscopic and so is the demodex mite and is even smaller that the scabies mite! So they think that they can see this with their naked eye? What idiot taught them that theory I wonder!
I am so mad and so disillusioned in the medical community's attitude. I cannot believe I was treated that way! How dare he!
Why are people being left to suffer?! I now understand that there are THOUSANDS that are experiencing the SAME kinds of symptoms. I suppose ALL of us are "crazy". Yeah right! It's the medical community who is CRAZY for not having the compassion to do all they can to diagnose and find a treatment for these parasites.
What good is the CDC if they aren't going to actually examine people? How can you do a study if you don't LOOK at the patients involved?
My health department says it's not their job to do this and the CDC said to contact my health dept. Passing the buck and the responsibility back and forth at my expense and thousands of others that are suffering immeasurably.
I have allergic reactions to these bites. I am afraid it is going to cause me a heart attack as I have severe chest pains and extreme jitteriness like I am going to jump right out of my skin.
It is the most HORRIBLE thing imaginable! If they had this wrong with them, they would want help. They wouldn't want someone insinuating that they were "crazy". How can you let someone suffer like this?
I feel these bugs all over my scalp and face. Up my nose and in my ears. Worst in my eyes from my eyelashes. I am afraid it will cost me my sight. I have to feel this 24 hr. a day!
The worst is at night when they are most active. I can't sleep right. I ache from muscle soreness.
I am stressed out from the physical irritation and the emotional stress of having them on me not being able to kill them once and for all. I am wearing myself out constantly doing laundry and vacuuming.
I spent almost $2,000 of my back SSI money that I wanted to use to move with, to solve this problem and still haven't. I am on SSI I don't get much a month to work with. I have lots of medicine co-pays to cover and rent, etc. How can I afford to fight this?
I don't know what to do! I feel so helpless and HOPELESS because NO ONE CARES. I have been to a dermatologist who only did ONE LITTLE SCRAPING on my scalp. Get real! These are the tiniest of the arthropods from what I read in the article and you expect to find them in one little scraping?
Jeez, why didn't she just call them like you'd call a dog? Probably would be more effective than what she did. The vet, same thing. One little scraping on the dog's chin.
These people couldn't find their buttocks if they looked in the mirror! They just don't care. My family doctor who is TRYING and so far failing to help me, said that half the medical community believes demodex can infest humans and half doesn't. So it all depends on who you talk to.
My vet doesn't believe in it but believes that fleas can infest humans. If they can, why not demodex mites?
What do you do? How am I going to stop this suffering if no one will look at me and the dog in a serious manner?
I don't no how much more I can take. The other night if I had not shampooed with the dog shampoo (which can't be good for me to continue doing) I would have seriously committed suicide. The symptoms are THAT bad!
The dog is suffering too in the same places. Even though the vet gave the dog an allergy shot that supposedly lasts 6 weeks. He thought it was a flea allergy and might have been partially but he is still scratching and rubbing his muzzle and nose on the carpet or bed. He scratches at his ears and bites his hind quarters.
I read a book and in it it said that demodex mites could be fatal to him! My God, if he dies I will have no reason left to live. No one cares about me including my kids in Ohio. I have no man in my life and thanks to my 2nd ex husband giving me Herpes, I probably never will. I can't take much more. I really can't.
"God, please in the name of Jesus help me and the others. You said that you will not give us more than we can bare. THIS is MORE than I can continue to bare Lord. PLEASE send us someone who is knowledgeable and who is compassionate and dedicated to finding this parasite/s and helping us to eliminate them and our suffering. In Jesus's name. Amen."