Detox With Apple Cider Vinger
by Phillip Mullen
(New York City)
My Hand From Detox With Apple Cider Vinegar
I started drinking ACV a month and a half ago and two weeks ago my body started to detox because I was drinking too much of it.
I was drinking so much because it was making me feel real good. I could think clearer, etc. My body detox badly.
I stopped drinking ACV two days ago, but my hands on both sides have boils and blisters bad. The blister are breaking and clear fluid keeps coming out. I also have severe itching that I am experiencing and it is out of control.
My question is, "How long is my body going to keep detoxing?"
Phill in New York
Hi Phill,
So sorry to be so long in answering your question. My dear mother went to be with the Lord on the day you wrote and this is the first chance I've had to reply to your question.
First of all, when you tried to detox with apple cider vinegar, how much vinegar were you drinking per day?
Secondly, were you using raw, organic apple cider vinegar, like Bragg's? Or were you just using regular processed apple cider vinegar that you buy in the grocery store?
Your reaction is quite severe and unusual. It is not common to have such a strong reaction with blisters and boils when using the right kind of ACV.
Are you still suffering from the symptoms or has your skin now cleared up? I'd like to hear back from you and see if I can help you further.
To your good health!Angie