Does pH Imbalance Cause Itching?
by Memar
(Orange County)
Does pH imbalance cause itching in other places of the body? Chest and general trunk area?
Hi Memar,
I suppose pH imbalance could cause itching, but it may stem from another internal cause like toxic build up, yeast/fungal overgrowth, or allergic reaction to name a few.
Regardless, I'd suggest that you consider a natural internal cleanse with
Herbal Fiberblend and some green food supplements, preferably
Barley Life, for nutritional support and pH balance.
There really are so many things that can cause itching on the body, so it can be hard to pinpoint the underlying cause. Do you have any other symptoms apart from the itching?
While you are waiting for your supplements to arrive, you may want to try taking a couple of tablespoons of raw honey (particularly sourced in your area if possible) each day.
Raw honey has a lot of nutritional benefits, but it is also a natural antihistamine, so if your itching is related to any type of allergic reaction, you may get some relief from eating some daily.
Let us know if there are other symptoms you are dealing with or if you have further questions.
To your good health!Angie