Getting Morgellons Out Of Skin

by Nina

Here are some more ideas for getting Morgellons out of skin (just discovered yesterday).

  • apply dish soap to affected area...use LOTS
  • apply petroleum jelly over the dish soap (again, LOTS)
  • apply saran wrap over the dish soap and vaseline layers and stick to skin (this completely blocks all oxygen)
  • leave on for one hour then wipe/rinse off (the parasites come right out by the dozens)

When I did it I experienced was acute and lasted about 5-10 minutes...but it worked well.

If I discover anymore ideas, I'll send them along. I am symptomatic of the parasite sensations only, nevertheless, I suppose it is an all-encompassing syndrome.

Whatever it is, I can sympathize with Morgellons sufferers. I can't believe the CDC isn't recognizing's EVERYWHERE.

As a nursing student, I am so fascinated with pathology and microbiology...probably get my masters in microbiology instead of my mba.

Anyhow, this is so engaging and fascinating...always on top of things.

Thanks again for help and response! :)


Comments for Getting Morgellons Out Of Skin

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Dec 19, 2022
Be cautious NEW
by: Mary

Regarding article from "Fed Up Your Cure" below. ...this does work but don't over do it. Only use the formula for 3 or 4 days until the "bugs" are out. When the "cuts" stop, then the bugs are out.

Then it will take about one month for wounds to heal. Do a maintenance maybe every 2 or 3 months thereafter. If over do it, you can get Alkalosis....

Go slowly and pay attention to side effects.

Dec 13, 2021
Agrobacterium filamentious biofilm NEW
by: CJR

I have had Morgellons for 3 years now and have tried many remedies with varying degrees of success. I think the most important thing is to understand what we are actually infected with in order to know how to effectively treat ourselves. This of course is a difficult task since the medical community at large refuses to acknowledge this spreading disease for reasons I believe are motivated by political and corporate incentives to protect the global food industry that has become increasingly reliant on utilizing GMOs. The way GMOs are produced is through harnessing agrobacterium. Agrobacterium is known to infect human tissue and also grows biofilm which is what the lesions on our skin is from. It is actually a growth caused by this bacteria that is a natural generic engineer and now has been manipulated by scientists through GMOs to evolve. Check out for more about biofilms. One thing that works well for me is bentonite clay and alot of exfoliation as well as tea tree oil but honestly, there is no real permanent cure. Not yet at least. Research agrobacterium. That is the cause of morgellons and it's been known by medical scientists for years. Bastards.

Dec 08, 2021
by: Blancozorro

Try DermaKB from Kane Biotech. Do not buy anywhere but direct from the company because its already got knockoffs on ebay. Use as directed, not less than 10 minutes for the detoxifier and not less than 5 for the shampoo.
Worth every penny and immediately noticable results. They also got contracts from the dept of defense for their woundcare, seriosuly look into them

Oct 02, 2021
How much more damage can my scalp take?

My hair is poker straight, fine and now it's breaking off, now extreme curls, clumps come out that look like a knotted mess..but under microscope you can see the film on the hair...the unique bundle mess ...will my hair ever be the same? Am I going to die from these fibers taking havoc in my scalp, head? The lesions spread, I've never felt crawling but at time very sharp pinch, I KNOW it affects my allergies because when I push on my scalp(as there's stuff under scalp that won't move or takes alot of pressure) when I can move it a millimeter my sinuses change ur I need blow my nose or just breath better. How much more of me will they take over?

Jun 25, 2021
Vaseline Clinical Care
by: Kenneth Cummings

I got rid of the entire system of bacteria with the hand sanitizer lotion from vaseline. It liquefied every bacterial baddie from my heels to my scalp, within minutes. I have had reoccurring symptoms from my childhood all symptoms of the morgellons...that was 20yrs ago I was infected...

I applied the lotion to 1 foot only. The bacteria literally ran from my body. After 4 or 5 min I felt it up in my ears, sting very sharp and then felt the "crawling" down my back along with some white strings come out in random places on the way. It drained out of the bottom areas pretty quick...

Try this guys

Jun 14, 2021
by: Patriot

Organic brown basmati rice
Sea salt
Organic Dry Roasted Seaweed
Put ingredients in a slow cooker and eat once a day. You can eat it more if you would like. You could also add this ingredients to your favorite dish. Do not drain.

May 23, 2021
Morhellons & the covid RNA drug
by: Chris

Seeing that the "vaccines" have nanos in them today, I'm positive the morgellons phenomemon was testing of nano particles that contained RNA nanos in an attempt at DNA altering poison. It must have been administered via the sky. Bill Gates & DARPA have been working on this technology for decades...its now here in shots they are giving & claiming its for protection against virus. No doubt in my mind, these things are a program & has come to fruition in 2021.

May 07, 2021
Fungal Related
by: Nan

I've been afflicted with this for over 10 years. It's most likely a variety of parasitic entities that are fed by or live in a fungal component. When I cut out nearly all sugar and take antifungal remedies/supplements then it gets better. But sugar really feeds it and so does being around the EMF waves...which breaks down our immunities to fight infection. Any diet which takes away candida can also help with this. I use antifungal soap as well...helps a lot. But it's so hard to get rid of the root of this attack. I've seen some of the tiny particulates move in a mechanical motion under the might be manmade? God Bless and I wish wellness, blessings and goodness for everyone.

Apr 24, 2021
Your cure
by: Fed Up

Take one or two squirts of Colloidial Silver during the night. Only buy 10 ppm of silver! I bought Sovereign Silver. Then take one or two capsules of Mastic Gum in morning first thing. Now wait three hours and put one full scoop of freeze-dried broccoli (Koyah)along with two or three tablespoons of vinegar (use Braggs with "mother")in a glass of water and drink it down, using a straw. Straw protects teeth from acid. You might get a lot of "cuts" on you because the bugs cannot stand this alkaline environment, so they are cutting themselves out of you! Keep it up, takes about one month but you will know right away something is changing. Keep sores cleaned and cared for. If body is too alkaline, the kidneys can be effected by making you run to the bathroom every 10 mins. Cut back on all doses and go slower. Sometimes leg pain if too alkaline, so just listen to your body and cut back on amounts. Also ate two containers of Activia with 2 capsules of Lactobacillus Acidophilus every day.

Apr 15, 2021
Sodium bicarbonate
by: Rob

I have exsperniced similar symptoms as above i suffered bad i could see them in My eyes completely uncomfortable all the time i was afraid of going blind and i just doing research i found out that basically parasite or fungus or whatever the undecided decision is that both can not survive in a high ph environment 7.0 or above so i change my diet tested my ph at home could not get high the 5.5 found my water was really lower so filter that and that got to 6.5 ph In more research i found Sodium Bicarbonate is high ph and can be used to regulate you ph so i bought ph test and started with the recommended dosage per the bottle and monitored my ph 3 time a day and adjusted my sodium bicarbonate to stay above 7.5 to 7.8 ph and the itchiness went away right away and i lost all symptoms with in a week i continued for about a month i didn't need glasses anymore so it worked and it has been about 2 yrs. This is not any advise this is just my experience and from my logic that if it can not survive in a high ph environment and i can then i will change my environment for me.

Aug 16, 2018
Skin care
by: Managing M

Dial bar soap for shower do not do hot scorching and no bath soaking
Peroxide and Borax equal parts diluted in a pitcher container pour on after using bar soap rinse after 3 min
Dog cat horse shampoo diluted and added to another pitcher of same above for hair (cut hair short and shave at crown relieves alot of itching) or go bald completely
Eat parasite unfriendly diet
Eat 2 cloves raw garlic every other day
Cut sugar/carbs
Wash bedding and clothes hot water add borax to laundry soap
Soak feet in apple cyder vinegar 3 times weekly let air dry
Mop sweep dust vacuum on a regular schedule
Drink small amounts of fluids at a time
No stimulants coffee smoking drugs
Encase bed in plastic and sofas
Sort clutter minimalize the home
Dont scratch or pick
Get benadry and use if anxious or itchy
Keep a cleaning schedule
Use paper towels lots
It might be cured one day but try to live normally and dont use too many remedies these work and are inexpensive....pray and keep praying

Mar 17, 2018
I have a few tips that work for a quick fix but they do not completely heal.
by: Erika

Essential Oils:

I have experimented with many different essential oils and found that pretty much ANY of the ones I have applied to my skin have caused the fibers and specks etc to come rapidly out of the skin.
The ones that I can remember off the top of my head that seem to work pretty well are as follows:

Peppermint oil (This one causes a pretty rapid expulsion of morgellons from the skin.

Thieves oil works great.

Eucalyptus oil

Tea Tree oil

lavender oil

Lemongrass oil

Again, I have tried other oils and they all seem to do the trick temporarily.

Another tip is Dawn Dish soap (which others have mentioned as well). From what I gather, based on my nursing background as well as just having general morgie knowledge, it should be Dawn Dish soap specifically or another dish soap which has degreaser. The degreaser, in my opinion, is the key ingredient. The reason being that morgellons tends to use a biofilm to protect itself. The degreaser rids the skin of the oils in the biofilm, hence killing off the nasty crap known as morgellons.

Sun Laundry soap ( I have tried other brands without the same success). Im not sure if it is something to do with the riddance of oil as with the dish detergent, however it does seem to be a short fix. I use it in my bath.

peroxide or baking soda ( pretty much any type of alkaline substance). It seems this icky bug has an acidic base and it doesn't do well in a alkaline setting.

Antifungal creams such as Lotrisone (athletes foot cream) I have read that morgellons is a fungus. I do not know if that is the case but I do know that antifungal creams do work wonders.

And although neosporin is an antibacterial ointment, I have found it to work well also.

Good luck.

Jun 01, 2017
Getting parasites and eggs out of skin
by: Kay Lambert

Soaking in bath with a ton of Epsom Salts. Washing with lye soap sprinkled with tea tree oil. Putting tea tree oil on dry skin and rub.
3 percent hydrogen peroxide before bath sit with dry skin in tub pour on area let sit a couple minutes then rub in circles will feel eggs coming out.
BEST thing I have found made for face and neck but I use it all over my body once a week is Gel that is clear unscented and amazing. Put on a Medium/ thin layer leave for 3 minutes. Start to rub lightly. I do circle or concentrate on my face as that is where they are right now. Horrible. You will be surprised at the junk that comes out of your skin. White sharp things whole egg like things black dots pieces of string and also pieces of what looks like wiry hair. Also have pulled out of neck at lease 3 pieces of thin copper like wire. I became a Distributor for this, I will sell it at a discounted price to people on this site or Morgellons victims. I have suffered for almost 4 years. It's horrible. My email address Just write to me with subject line morgellons. Because this product sells so fast when I order it there is usually a wait list but I should have it in stock by 6/15. If you buy it on a regular site it is about double the price of what I can do for you. Let me know and I hope you have luck with my suggestions.
Thank you, Kay

Dec 10, 2013
Wine & Morgellons
by: NN

Get a red wine... the more tart the better.... and put all over skin... wait 10 minutes and then put petroleum over skin... you will see tons of things coming out of skin... for some reason red wine kills them... when I drank a glass of wine it seemed to kill some from inside also... rows of the black mitelike creatures came out in droves...dead.

Oct 20, 2012
Maybe morgellon's help....
by: Anonymous

Maybe something to try:

I have CFS/FM, so have the other symptoms associated with this. 9 yrs later, I had my first tick bite and contacted 4 tick borne diseases, incl Lyme. It went undiagnosed for 4 yrs due to lousy tests at the time. I write this because I read that Morgellons might be associated with Lyme.

Several years after Lyme treatment, I had extreme crawling sensations and itching on upper arms - not sure whether the sores came first or the scratching, but no one could diagnose. I did not know to look for fibers. After 2 docs and ointments for bacteria, virus and fungus - nothing worked and I then I was treated for scabies. Nada.

Finally, I wondered if it was the Candida I was fighting since all the antibiotics for Lyme (you can get Candida from other sources, such as too much sugars) - and a yeast infection can itch. Sounded like a long shot, but I was desperate.

So I crushed a bunch of Nystatin tablets (a fungal medicine often taken with antibiotics to combat Candida), checked the internet to see what made it soluable and found that DMSO would (later I learned that one body cream would, but not the others I tried). I added a tiny bit of DMSO from GNC(not sold in some states) and made a thick, gritty cream/paste and rubbed it in once or twice a day. It worked for the itch temporarily and solved it in less than a week. Then the sores healed.

The furious itching has returned several times over the last 2 yrs and each time, the homemade Nystatin paste worked. I do not know if a commercially made Nystatin would be as potent. I used probably 8-10 pills crushed each time - just enough for my upper arms.

Just in case this is fungal - this might work. I have no clue. But Nystatin is easily prescribed and relatively inexpensive.

I feel for you guys. It's rough not to be taken seriously (CFS certainly wasn't when I got it in the 80's and long term Lyme still is). Maybe 1 or 2 people could try this and see if it works.

Feb 24, 2012
Lots of garlic has helped me
by: Colleen

I have been eating one or two heads of garlic slightly cooked in olive oil everyday for 2 months now.(At first I ate 3-4 a day.) It took a little over a week to see a change, but the bouts of intense itching are becoming less and less in occurance and duration. The lesions are shrinking and in some places have disappeared. I also use a skin exfoliate followed by hydrocortizone which seems to help. Most of my joint pain is gone and I am regaining some energy and focus.It hasn't helped with the severe ear ringing or brain fog.

Oct 19, 2011
Visitor Recommendations
by: Angie

I understand your concern and skepticism regarding the suggestions above for getting Morgellons out of skin tissue.

Please note that all suggestions are not supported by us at We realize that so many people are suffering from conditions outside of our area of experience.

As a result, we allow our visitors to share their own experiences with each other as long as they follow basic guidelines for submission.

As stated in our disclaimer, each person who uses this site agrees to be responsible for their own decisions on what remedies they try and medical treatments they seek.

I'm sorry to hear that you, too, are suffering from these unusual symptoms. I hope that something you may find here will be of help to you, whether it is the suggestions for a natural Morgellons treatment or a visitor contribution.

Oct 19, 2011
Parasite emollient not research helpful- opinion
by: Anonymous

So how does one brainchild a dish soap, coated with petroleum jelly, coated with more soap and wrapped in Saran wrap for an hour, a proven parasite emollient? My understanding is that this is fibers and inorganic substances. I lean toward disbelief of dozens of parasites dislodging due to soap petroleum mix. I am not convinced of Morgellons, although won't deny pulling orange fibers (quite long and wound like twine) and/or single strand or clumps of single strand blue and black fibers from a wound. My encounter was discovered when I thought a piece of glass was in my skin from a glass I had just broken. The glass was removed, but was under a layer of said fibers. No crawling sensation or "meth bugs" . I have been clean for 10 years. I also won't deny presence of inorganic crystals and "worm-like" objects in my body below the skin. I would not object to more research to credit or discredit validity of disease. I am uneasy and perplexed at my own findings.

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