How Many Of You Have This Problem?
by TD
How many of you have this problem???
You know the little "dust-bunnies" or dog hair balls on your floor? Have you ever noticed them move? Have you noticed the clear creatures inside of them?
I've watched one move from the middle of my garbage can to the top rim (they move very slowly, but they do move). Or the long hairs that stick out of them and attach themselves to you as you walk by?
How about the tape or paint strip you pick up and it just doesn't want to come off your fingers??? The hair that is stuck in the bottom of your foot, on the palm of your hand that when you go to pull it off, it's worked itself into your skin.
Now, I have had the unfortunate experience of going to some doctors who have went as far as lying on my visit record, my permanent record, and they are saying I'm delusional. Better yet, they lie in my permanent visit record & make it sound like I am a druggie off the street with a drug habit because according to them, "if I stop scratching I'll heal up."
If you don't have one, get yourself a mini hand-held microscope!!! You can find them on e-bay at a great price. Oh, the doctors I have filed a complaint against said "there was nothing there."
Well, maybe next time they should use the right equipment to view minuscule "creatures" NOT A MAGNIFYING GLASS!!!! IDIOTs!@!@ Even I know you have to use a microscope to see microscopical things--and I'm not even a doctor (hopefully they wont be for long, either).
Take a look at these little pieces of food that has the bugs inside, or attached to them.
I know we are not the only people that have the bad luck in experiencing this. And, we are just as sane as we always have been. We have both kept jobs all our lives, never been diagnosed with any type of mental problems--we are sane!!!
You think the Morgellons is scary, lets see how many of you out there suffer from these scary monsters along with the Morgellons symptoms.
Just wait until you find out you have this problem on top of Morgellons. Is it all linked together???? Who can answer that one? Who WILL answer that one?