Human Parasite Lives On The Outside Of The Body
by Sonya
(Sparta, WI, US)
What human parasite lives on the outside of the body, is small, has wings and bites leaving welts and bumps?
Any information or help is appreciated.
Hi Sonya,
The way you've worded your question almost makes it sound like a riddle. :)
The simple answer given that description is "I don't know!" Sorry about that, but with such a vague description it's almost impossible to guess.
The truth is that there are many hundreds of possibilities and I, of course, don't know all of them.
We do try to cover the most common human parasite pests (both internal and external), and various suggested natural remedies and treatments, but can't identify them all over the internet.
When you say a human parasite that lives on the outside of the body, the first thing that comes to mind is body lice, but they are wingless critters.
When I read the rest of your description, black flies come to mind. They aren't really "tiny" and they don't "live" on the outside of the body technically, but they do have wings, bite, and leave welts and bumps.
Do you have a photo of this parasite you are describing? If you can take a picture and upload it to the form, that may help one of us to identify this parasite.
How tiny are you talking about? The size of a flea, a louse, an ant, or bigger? Are you sure it is actually living on your body? What color is it?
Could it be a bedbug you're dealing with? Are you getting bitten only at certain times of the day or in certain locations in your house, etc.?
The more specific you can be, the better.
Have you tried using anything to get rid of the problem of this possible human parasite? You can try taking
Bear Paw Garlic and applying tea tree oil or clove oil to your skin (blend it with a carrier oil like olive oil or coconut oil before applying).
You can also try using apple cider vinegar (organic unfiltered only) in your bath and in your drinking water. That may be very helpful, too.
Do provide more information if you want us to try to help identify the problem further.
To your good health!Angie from