Little White Long Things
by C. Lynn
From being a victim of flea bites, I believe that I have been infected with parasites (little white long things). I've read that they can carry up to 20 various parasites.
(Incidentally, because my cat began to have fleas and due to the fact that I've used Frontline on her for years, I began to research Frontline and kitty parasite prevention.)
I've found online a Fact Sheet from the EPA informing the public that there are manufacturers of FAKE Frontline and Advantage for both cats and dogs. The packaging looks almost identical. This EPA Fact Sheet details the subtle differences between the REAL products and the fake products.
Before I knew what was happening, I received many, many flea bites from the infestation in my yard and flower beds.
Sometime after, whenever I would take a shower, I noted in the mirror that these long, thin, white "things" were coming out of the pores of my face and neck, all by themselves.
Later, I started discovering elongated little white long things under my skin, and they would come out whenever my body was heated and my pores opened. They are about .2 inches in length.
I've been to doctors, emergency rooms, etc., and they continue to tell me that I am delusional and want to admit me into the hospital. I'm 54 years old and have never been delusional.
So, I took videos with my phone and have shown my family. However, the doctors either will either refuse to see them, or do not believe my videos. I find that incredible. I also find it incredible that they don't take samples of these "things" and test them.
However, I did discuss this with my primary physician, telling him
I would like to be tested, and he ordered stool samples for ova and parasites.
He also prescribed Vermox, a "Helminth eliminator" -- take 2 three times/day. My stools have been practically white with worm-looking objects, but I continue to have thousands under my skin.
In the corner of my mouth, I have a quarter inch deep HOLE. During the night, the "white things" cause this thick, gooey , sometimes clear, sometimes green, substance to fill up the hole, and it becomes very, very hardened. I have been able to apply and soften it with Eucerin Cream, and am able to use tweezers to remove it.
However, completely surrounding this hole are these HARD tiny teeth-like "things" that do NOT want to come out of my skin! Using a large amount of Eucerin Cream, I can finally pull a couple out. They look like baby seahorses.
I know this sounds insane, but I've read of another lady experiencing the exact same thing, and I am VERY grateful to have read her experience.
Also, sometime when I tweeze out the white worm-looking "things", the ends of them have what look like to be white feathers on them. Others that I pulls out sometimes look like cotton-balls with little worms making it up. In doing research, I'm finding that I must have fungi, as well as other parasites.
I'm relieved to have found this site, and to have read some of the forum entries. I was able to discover that other people have the same things, and unfortunately, they too find that many physicians have a Hippocratic oath deficit.
I'm going to try the anti-parasitic products on this site as they make sense.
C. Lynn