Liver Flukes

by Hazel Holiday
(Rufus Oregon, USA)

I believe I have liver flukes!

Don't know where I got them from, but I have had numerous parasite tests all were negative.

I still pass them every time I have a bowel movement. There are red ones that look like a peeled red tomato skin. Others are dark and different sizes.

I have begged the doctors to help me they all say you need Prozac. They are stupid. I hope they get flukes & their doctors tell them what they told me.

I even talked to a naturopath & he was very rude.

I have been taking Parasitin for a month. There are less but there is still too many. I also saw the colonoscopy doctor & she said I look better but she did tests too & it came back normal.

Is it that the labs don't know what they are looking for? I do the stool tests & I can see things in them. They say its normal.

I have had things that look like black spiral worms which is H pyloria bacteria, which I had, and stuff that look liked broken pancil lead.& also stuff that looks like liver flukes.

Can you help me?

Dear Hazel,

So sorry to hear about your frustrations in trying to deal with your liver flukes. Liver and intestinal flukes are not as hard to contract as people think. Something as simple as eating undercooked fish or meat can cause you to get a fluke infection.

I know that many people have parasite testings repeatedly before actually testing positive. I'm not quite sure why that is. I would certainly think that those doing the test should know what they are looking for, but perhaps not every sample includes the flukes.

I've heard of Parasitin, but I haven't personally used it. I use Herbal Fiberblend myself and generally recommend it (along with Para 90) as the most effective natural parasite cleanse.

You said you've been working on parasite elimination for about a month and that you are improving. That's a good sign, so keep at it. It may take a few months to several months of faithful cleansing to get them all.

To get the best results, you should definitely be taking probiotics, too, and making some dietary changes - mainly cutting back on sugar and processed foods.

Probiotics are important because they are the friendly bacteria that your body needs to stay in balance and fight off the bad bacteria, like liver flukes. If you don't have any, try Florafood. It's a good quality combination.

To your good health!

Comments for Liver Flukes

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Dec 06, 2017
parasites NEW
by: Carmel

i strongly suggest that you check out Dr Robert Morse on you tube, he is healing thousands upon thousands of people with natural foods to heal all sorts of diseases, stage 3 and stage 4 cancers, diabetes, crohns, ibs, autism, in fact through his teachings you can cure all diseases in the body, he explains why people get sick and how to get well, he also has a fans page on facebook which thousands of people from all over the globe have joined and i am in that group watching miracles happen every single day, please people check him out

Nov 14, 2016
Getting rid of liver flukes, etc.... NEW
by: Angie from

Hi Tiffany,
Sorry to hear of what you've been going through and all the run around. It's totally ridiculous. You mentioned you tried some natural things but seriously, I can't recommend highly enough a good cleanse with Herbal Fiberblend. I mentioned in my response to the original post/question on this page and it is still the most effective thing I know of and what I use myself for dealing with a wide range of parasites (I live in the tropics so it is something I have to deal with frequently). Make it a full 3 month cleanse and you will be much more likely to eliminate the parasites in all of their various stages of life cycle as well as clean out the toxins they have left behind in your system. All the best.

Nov 12, 2016
Liver flukes NEW
by: Tiffany

I have been reading through the many obstacles that people have had to go through, only to go through them to find no resolve. I have walked this journey for over five years.
I know I have liver flukes. I have seen them and have over a dozen symptoms. I brought in a sample of my numerous parasites in a double bagged zip lock. They were easily identified by my doctor. He was somewhat mortified. He even thanked me for double bagging them as he anxiously washed his hands for the third time. He felt that I needed the parasite "cocktail", bacause I had been infected with several types. He confessed that this was his first experience with parasite infection. He has been in medicine for about 12 years. He ordered a prescription for emverm. He apologized for not being able to equip me with the "cocktail", and advised I do a follow up appointment with my primary to check my vision and possibly run some tests on my liver. He advised me of the "die off phase"; I was already familiar with, due to my natural attempts to rid them. He said it was likely I would have to repeat a treatment, but with the probability of a different medicine. My insurance denied my prescription. Took a three day stool sample; came back negative, even though I saw them in each and every sample. Insurance denied my prescription again. I've been waiting for two weeks to hear back from my primary. I've called 6 times and been given the run around. However, they were quick to give me an antidepressant and a referral to a therapist. I'm depressed and anxiety ridden because I have parasites!!!!! Thanks to this sight, and several others, plus support from friends and family, I have the strength to continue this fight. I have pain every day in my upper right quadrant. Food has become my enemy. I feel like awareness needs to be raised. How do we increase awareness when the doctor's don't even buy in??
I failed to mention that the medication that was prescribed was $2,300 for six pills to be taken over a three day period. Our medical and health insurance is in need of some serious change. Keep up the parasite fight!!

Jul 24, 2012
Liver Flukes NEW
by: RawBeauty

Oops... Part of my comment is missing . I meant to say that I bought the cheap zapper first and when I saw results I decided to upgrade to the Longevity Zapper from Longevity Warehouse. Very effective and powerful !! Kicks the parasites butt!! Some parasites are resistant to herbs so get a Zapper if you are serious about getting rid of all of them!!

Jul 24, 2012
Parasites (Liver Flukes) NEW
by: RawBeauty

I have had the same experience with the red tomato skin like parasite. I've been detoxing going on 4 months now. Check out RawFoodWorld on YouTube, as well as David Wolfe and Andreas Moritz.... Get a parasite Zapper! I bought the cheap 33.00 one Warehouse! I follow a Vegan diet and do coffee and herbal enemas. Some parasites are hard to eradicate... The Zapper is the best thing I ever did !!

Aug 05, 2010
by: Hazel

I have used parasitin. Helped me feel better. Diatomacious earth food grade will kill any intestinal parasite. If anyone trys this onlyget food grade diatomacious earth. It is actually fossil shell flour. It is sharp on the parasites and cuts them & they dehydrate and die. Be careful of the dieoff effects its bad, So take a parasite cleanse with it like parasitin or paracleanse which consitsts of cleansing & fiber with betonite clay to absorb toxins. It helps.

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