Lungs Detox

by Tony
(New York)

My question would be if this would also detox your lungs for chemicals from Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, Lacquer Thinner, etc...?

Hi Tony,

That's an interesting question about a lungs detox. My instinctive suggestion is that you would be best served to use both Herbal Fiberblend and HumiKleanse to clean your system of those types of toxins.

Herbal Fiberblend is a natural digestive cleanse and HumiKleanse is a simple and natural form of heavy metal chelation.

Exposure to toxins does not usually limit itself to one area of the body, like the lungs. Unfortunately these nasty things are absorbed into our blood stream and tissues and can end up almost anywhere in the body.

That's why I would suggest a double edged type of detox. Of course, while detoxing you want to also be supporting your immune system as much as possible with a healthy diet and nutritional supplements if needed.

To your good health!

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