Mixtures of Apple Cider Vinegar...
by Don Lott
(Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico)
Solo or Mixture?
Reading all the recipes for mixtures of
apple cider vinegar, honey, powdered cinnamon, and even garlic begs the question...
Does some chemical reaction actually take place in the "mixture" as it sets there in the refrigerator? If so, is it beneficial to good health, as opposed to ingesting the
ingredients separately?
For instance, I have a spoon of honey mixed
with powdered cinnamon and peanut butter followed by a Gatorade chaser before lifting weights, and it seems to be a strength booster.
Hi Don,
I think it's safe enough to concoct your mixture and use it right away. I don't think I'd leave it in the refrigerator for any length of time, though. Fresh is best!
Your particular mixture of honey, cinnamon, and peanut butter doesn't sound like it would create a problem, but I still think fresh is best. :)