Morgellons Hate Colloidal Silver
by Anthony
(Vallejo, CA, USA (north of san francisco))
I now just figured out why Morgellons hate colloidal silver - please read.
I have Morgellons. All the symptoms and problems started about 3 months ago. No cure from doctors. They gave me creams, topical ointments and different kinds of antibiotics over the past 3 months.
I read that some people have had success with colloidal silver. A few days ago I started on collodial silver 500ppm about 2-3 teaspoons twice a day morning and evening. I did not notice any changes till the fourth day - today.
All over my body the skin, which is our biggest organ, was ejecting all those black specs and black string things.
Then in the evening I went to Longs Drug store to buy some beer. I was curious and went to the aisle that sells mite and lice treatments. I found a product called Pin-X for worms that kills worms and the eggs in just one dose. I took a slightly stronger dose than suggested to make sure it kills. I also took an extra strong double dose of collodial silver.
What happened 5 hours later? I felt an itch or wiggly movement in my nose. I bent over the counter to grab a napkin to blow my nose and a thing that looked like a piece of rice fell on the table. It looked like rice, round and about the size of rice but it was not white but rather an amber or light brown color.
Then about 30 minutes later I felt the same thing in the same left nose and I could not pick my nose that deep so I sorta scraped it out with a toothpick very very carefully.
This time it looked more like a worm than the other one did. It was same color as before but 3 times longer than a piece of rice and had white and color like cotton fibers growing on the back of it. On the inside I could see a back strand like a black piece of curly string. What killed it or why did it flee from my body?
I think I know the answer and see if this makes any sense. Assuming the worms feed of skin and blood. Now we introduce a silver compound into the blood stream. When they eat the skin and blood it must taste very bad to them because colloidal silver is very bitter besides being a metal that can't be digested and remains forever in your body I think.
So they don't like the bitter silver taste or the silver is poisonous to them and if they ingest the silver microscopic particles they not only can't digest it but it also remains in their body and kills them after about 4-5 days.
The ones that live after that are the big ones and out of starvation they come out of your nose, ears, fingernails and sores since your body
is no longer appealing to them and they have nothing to live for cause the food source is polluted.
I also think the itching and sores is an allergic reaction to the fecal matter they produce. Remember on the inside of the worm I saw black particles and a stringy black thing. Since the worms are somewhat see though that must me the fecal matter.
All living things have to poop or have some kind of bi-product. It seams the black specs and black string or fiber, that was coming out of my skin all over is probably the waste product of fecal matter that creates toxins in our body and the body is using the skin (biggest organ) to try to extract the matter since it seems to accumulate in certain places.
What do you people think? This is true, and I had to find a website like this to share my story and I hope it helps you.
Hi Anthony,
Thanks so much for sharing your story and experience and your ideas about how Morgellons hate colloidal silver.
I'm not sure if all of your reasoning behind it is accurate, but I have heard that colloidal silver does help many people with this condition, so regardless of "why" it's good to know it does help.
Generally speaking, colloidal silver kills bacteria, etc., so I would assume that's the reason why it is effective. It makes the body an unpleasant environment for worms, etc.
I know some people might think your story about the little worms coming out of your nose is crazy or over the top, but I completely believe you.
I know of another woman who was doing an internal cleanse with
Herbal Fiberblend to get rid of parasites and she and her husband testify to the fact that they were sitting in bed one night and her nose started really itching. She felt something in there and eventually pulled out a VERY LONG worm.
It sounds horrifying and people don't like to think we have these things in our body, but unfortunately we most certainly can. It's not that uncommon in our present global society.
That's one of the reasons why I encourage people to cleanse at least once per year with a good natural antiparasitic like
Herbal Fiberblend and especially if they are already suffering from
symptoms of parasites.
I hope that you are able to continue to improve and get your system completely cleared up. A natural cleanse is always a good idea and you probably ought to get yourself some probiotics, too (good bacteria) to replenish your system. Those antibiotics probably wiped out or greatly reduced the friendly bacteria in your system, making you more vulnerable to parasites. I would suggest
Florafood or another good quality brand.
To your good health!Angie
P.S. I posted your other submission, too, but I'll just comment on this one alone.