
by Jimmy

After 5 years of ill health, with no real help from doctors, I am slowly recovering from what I strongly believe is morgellons.

I have been diagnosed with Ecbons Syndrome or delusional parasitosis. I have no doubt we are being misled by the authorities.


Dear Jimmy,

You have my sincerest sympathies. I have no doubt you are right about the "authorities." Sometimes I think they are just 'ignorant' and other times I think they are 'willingly ignorant.'

I'm thrilled to hear that you feel that you are on the road to recovery from Morgellons. I hope you are absolutely right!

Can you tell us what you've been doing to rid yourself of the symptoms of Morgellons? Your experiences may be helpful to others.

To your good health!

Comments for Morgellons

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Mar 29, 2021
Healing NEW
by: Big Red

I became convinced I had morgellons after some strange symptoms and even stranger objects / particles coming from my body. I started to research and came to morgellons and was really worried I would be diagnosed delusional. I have been a Christian for many years and we had an amazing experience when God healed my husband of a liver tumor they said was cancer and were going to remove half his liver.Somehow though this thing happening to me threw me, I felt I couldn't discuss it with anyone or ask them to pray for or with me.One morning I was reading the bible ( Mathew 8 v 1-3 ) A leper said to Jesus "if You are willing, you can make me clean " Jesus reached out His hand and touched him and said to him "I Am willing , be clean. My faith rose back up and I remembered Jesus is the same yesterday,today and forever the bible says. Jesus healed me and He can do the same for you if you trust Him and put you,re faith in Him Amen

Feb 18, 2013
Stenotrophonas Maltophilia NEW
by: Sylvia B from Sheffield

I have some or most of the Morgellons symptoms you mentioned. After years and years of misery.

This may not be what you have. If I had not bought my medical records I would not have found it. If you decide to do this and it isn't what you have, then so be it. I advise if you do decide to be tested, have it done by a private doctor.

Were you in hospital before the onset of this condition (even years before)? Mine was found in a biopsy. I am waiting for the results of a gut fermentation test [NHS] blood. What was found was Stenotrophonas Maltophilia. Please do not bill me for blood tests. It's your decision.

I have been ridiculed and labeled insane. My family is in fractions.

All I am asking is if you decide on this course of action and you have this that you leave feed back, because Id like to know just how many of us there are. That's all I ask.

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