Parasite From Dominican Republic

by Kristina

Did I get a parasite from Dominican Republican vacation?

This past May, I went on vacation to the Dominican Republic. While on the trip, I had about 2 days of diarrhea and bad cramps. Then when I first came home, I didn't really pay attention if I was regular or not.

When I get my period, it's normal that I sometimes get a really soft stool (I don't know if that's supposed to happen?). But now I definitely know I'm not regular!

In June and now July, I noticed I don't have a bowel movement for as long as 4-5 days, then there's always a meal that sets off terrible stomach cramps and then diarrhea.

I tried Epson Salt to help me go and hopefully clean me out completely, which it did make me go, but I fear that the problem isn't fixed. I feel like I caught something from my vacation, because my diet hasn't really changed much from before I went on it.

I've heard that garlic pills flush out parasites, but what else could I do? Thanks!

P.S. I'm 19 and 120 lbs.

Dear Kristina,

So sorry for my delay in responding. I've had trouble with my software this month and only received notification of your submission TODAY. :( My apologies. I do make every effort to respond to questions within 24-48 hours.

Now, on to your question. Yes, it is quite possible that you picked up a parasite from the Dominican
Republic vacation. I'm not implying that it's a nasty place to visit, by any means.

The truth is that it is SO easy to pick up bugs of all varieties when traveling abroad. You are dealing with different water, different food prep standards, and even coming into contact with so many people from all over the world who may leave their unknown passengers on door handles, etc., as you cross paths.

The important thing is to be aware of the possibilities and take action to get the critters out of your system.

Garlic is a good option because as you guessed, it has anti-parasitic properties as well as many other health benefits. My husband uses Bear Paw Garlic daily for other purposes, but it can help ward off parasites and fungal overgrowth.

However, in your situation, since you are having continual problems moving your bowels regularly (at least once per day), I would suggest that you use Herbal Fiberblend for a good clean out of your system.

The fiber with help get your bowels moving safely and effectively and the various herbs will help kill and eliminate parasites, bacteria, etc., that is causing you the pain as well as help improve the health of your intestinal lining.

You simply take the HFB in water or juice twice per day for several weeks to be sure you completely get rid of any parasite from the Dominican Republic that you may have brought home with you. ;)


Comments for Parasite From Dominican Republic

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Aug 30, 2018
What to do NEW
by: Gail Bucker

I have been reading about people on vacation contracting parasites. Parasites are more common than most people think. Pick up the book, "A Cure For All Diseases" by Dr.Hulda Clark. Doctors only test for a handful of known parasites. There are millions the medical profession doesn't know about or even have a name for. The medicines they use on people and dogs don't kill them all and then they proliferate. Parasites carry bacteria, viruses and disease. Dr. Clark wrote the book and her recommendations are excellent. My husband and I went through her protocol and continue to use her great advice in daily living. Get to the bottom of parasites and get rid of them forever!

Jul 18, 2017
Parasite NEW
by: Rena

Thanks for that info my niece was over in the Dominican Republic I just found out, she brushed her teeth and some how the parasite got into her system. And she hasn't eaten for two days so (2) doctors from there is escorting her back to the Bay Area so she can be seen by the doctors here. She's not being able to keep food down her system.


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