Parasite Problem in Boynton Beach Florida
by Teresa P.
(Boynton Beach, FL, USA)
I've got a parasite problem in Boynton Beach, Florida. It started a couple of months ago when I was bitten by what I thought was a mosquito. I had about 10 welts that were extremely itchy.
Since then I've been feeling continual biting, crawling and itchy.
I'm not sure if it's a mite or parasite because I'm mainly feeling it when I'm in my house. My other family members are not having the same sensations at all.
I've had pest control spray. I've been to a dermatologist and an internist. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. I was even starting to believe it myself.
No matter what I do, it doesn't help. I'm hoping there is something that I can do to get my life back. Any suggestions?
Hi Teresa,
You didn't mention where on your body these bites or welts came up. Was it down around your lower legs and ankles or elsewhere?
Sometimes I've found that people who think they have a lingering parasite problem are actually suffering from sand fleas (sand flies) bites instead. They can sometimes take several weeks to clear up.
I'm not saying that's what you are dealing with, I just wanted you to consider it as a possibility since you mentioned your location to be in Boynton Beach, Florida.
Okay, now for suggestions on what I think you might want to try. I will give you an internal and an external suggestion.
First off, if I were in your shoes I would most definitely use
Herbal Fiberblend to cleanse out my system. This is my "go to" solution for a wide range of parasites, mites, and other issues. I've always had great success with it.
You start with 1 tsp. twice per day mixed with water or juice and then gradually increase until you are taking 1 tablespoon twice per day for several weeks and then gradually decrease back down again.
Secondly, I would get some organic cold pressed coconut oil and apply it to all of the affected areas externally. You could even add a little tea tree, clove, lavender, or other essential oil to it to improve the anti-parasitic properties.
I think that's your best option to get rid of this condition you are dealing with. I feel pretty confident that it will help you.