Solutions for Skin Parasites
by Theresa
Hello, I need some solutions for skin parasites. My niece went to Africa on vacation last year and since her return has been experiencing skin irritations such as biting, itching, etc.
She believes that she has parasites and has done all that she knows how to rid herself of them. She has visited quite a few doctors and one did a skin biopsy to no avail.
Most indirectly don't believe anything is wrong with her because they can't find anything.
My niece is a well-balanced, responsible young lady who has worked so hard to obtain the life style that she lives. She works for a Fortune 500 company at the executive level, completed her Masters three years ago and recently completed the project mgmt program at a major university.
What is happening to her is not "all" in her head. It is beginning to ruin her life. She showers about 8 times a day, wash her bedding every morning, has cut all her beautiful hair off, etc. What is done to treat skin parasite?
How can I help my niece get the help that she needs. There has to be a way that this can be properly diagnosed and there has to be an effective form of treatment. Please help.
Thank you.
Hi Theresa,
I'm very sorry to hear of your niece's skin parasite condition and even sorrier to hear of the treatment she is receiving from the mainstream medical profession.
I've heard it time and time again. If 'they' don't know what's wrong, it must be nothing, right?! I don't know why it is that doctors in particular have trouble admitting that they aren't the source of all knowledge.
I believe parasites are one of the most misdiagnosed problems in the health field, because doctors can't "see" them.
I won't pretend to know exactly what is wrong with your poor dear niece, but I can certainly offer you some natural solutions for skin parasites that she can try.
It's very likely that she did pick up some type of parasite while she was traveling. The first step is to cleanse her system and then build and replenish her immune system.
It takes faithful effort on her part, but if she is diligently showering 8 times per day and washing her bedding each morning, she certainly has the commitment level to do what needs to be done.
I'm going to give you a list of things for your daughter to do/use. It's up to you/her to decide if you are willing and able to do it. None of them are "difficult" and they will cost a little to purchase the supplements, but the end results will be worth the effort.
- First of all, she needs to get some organic apple cider vinegar; with the "mother" in it, not distilled. Bragg's is s good brand. You can find it in most health food stores and in quite a few grocery stores. You can also purchase it online at Puritan's Pride
Your niece should put a tablespoon of the ACV in a glass of water twice a day and drink it. If she needs to, she can add some honey to it to make it taste better.
She should also use some on her skin. She can try using it straight
if she tests it and has no reaction to it. Otherwise, have her put a couple of cups in her bath water and have a soak.
- Next, she needs to try to eliminate the parasites by internal cleansing using anti-parasitic herbs. This is what she needs to get.
- 3 bottles of Para 90 - she should take 3 capsules 3x per day, preferably with meals, for 1 month.
- 3 pots of Herbal Fiberblend - she should start with 1 tsp. 2x per day mixed in water or juice. After one week, increase to 2 tsp. and then 1 tbsp. after the second week. Continue with this amount twice per day for 3 months gradually decreasing the dose as she nears the end of the 3 months.
- 1 bottle of Composure - take 1 capsule 2x per day. She can open the capsule and mix it in with her Herbal Fiberblend if she likes for added benefit. One bottle will last for one month. This will help relax her nerves (as I'm sure she must be extremely stressed over the whole situation) and work well with the HFB in cleansing.
- The next solution for skin parasites is to replenish the good bacteria in her system with probiotics. These are the little army of fighters that help keep the immune system strong and the intestinal flora in balance. She needs to get at least 2 bottles of Florafood - take 2 capsules 2x per day with meals (at least 1 hour away from the Herbal Fiberblend). Two bottles will last 1 month at that doseage. Once her system is replenished, she can reduce to 1 capsule per day for maintenance if she prefers to continue with the probiotics (not a bad idea).
- Finally, she needs to build up her body's ability to heal by boosting the amount of quality nutrition she is eating. She needs to reduce the amount of sugar she eats/drinks as much as possible and eat as much whole foods (raw fruits and veggies) as she can.
One of the best ways she can do this easily is to get the Garden Trio whole food supplement powders and start drinking it once or twice per day as directed on the canisters. She can mix all three (barley, carrots, and beets) together in water and drink them all at once - that's what I do. Again, this needs to be taken at least 1 hour away from the HFB.
All of these supplements can be purchased here.
Theresa, these are truly my best recommendations for solutions for skin parasites. I'm not a medical doctor, but rather a natural health advocate.
I don't for a minute think that your niece is mentally unbalanced because of this skin condition she has developed. I truly believe that when we give our bodies what they need to cleanse and heal, they do just that.
Please let me know if I can be of further help. You forgot to leave your email address, so I hope you do remember to come back and check for the answer to your solutions for skin parasites questions.
Please give your niece my regards and best wishes for her good health. I'll be praying for her that the Lord will grant her a speedy recovery.