Son Won't Eat While on Yeast Cleanse
by Morgan
(Ft. Leavenworth, KS)
My son won't eat while on yeast cleanse. Any suggestions?
We believe my son has autism. He is a very picky eater. We have been to see doctors, all who just want to give him ABA (applied behavior therapy) or medication.
We started a yeast cleanse diet about a week ago and he seems to be detoxing something and is doing better behaviorally and even making great eye contact and increasing his words/speech.
However, he will not eat a single thing. The only things he wants are sweet - maple syrup, fruit juice, even cornflakes. Help!
He's 3 1/2. How long is it safe to let a child not eat for? (Bear in mind, we believe he has mercury toxicity and mercury also causes anorexia.)
Can we give him some freshly made fruit juice and just give him natural antifungals and probiotics??
Thanks so much,
Dear Morgan,
Sorry for the delay in my response. I put in a request via email for some suggestions from a naturopath I know, and I was waiting to se if I got a response that may be of help in your situation.
Unfortunately, I haven't heard back from her yet, so I decided to go ahead and reply myself and then add to the post if/when she responds.
I'm so glad to hear that you have been noticing a change already in your son just by changing his diet. I'm not the least bit surprised. I've read of so many cases where a change
in diet had a profound effect on children believed to have autism.
I don't know how long it would be safe for a child his age to go without eating, but realistically, how much nutrition is he going to be getting from fruit juice, maple syrup, or cornflakes?
Definitely give him the probiotics, but keep experimenting to see if you can get him to eat something that is actually good for him. If you absolutely have to fall back on something "sweet" try to go for a piece of fruit rather than fruit juice - a lot less sugar and more nutrition.
I'd like to see you try to get some
Barley Life in him if possible because it is rich in nutrition and also is helpful when fighting candida (yeast overgrowth).
It would be really nice if you could find a local naturopath or doctor who is skilled in natural medicine that could give your son a full allergy food sensitivity test to help you know what foods to avoid and help eliminate the guess work. (To find a physician, check with the International College of Integrative Medicine,, (866)464-5226.)
I'm sorry I can't be much more help at this time, but I do hope that you will continue to see progress with your son and that he will begin to eat for you. Once you've broken the bad habits he has developed of eating unhealthy sweet foods, it should become less of a challenge.