What Can Or Should I Eat For A Chronic Yeast Infection?

by Gary Beech
(Fleetwood, United Kingdom)

What Can Or Should I Eat For A Chronic Yeast Infection?

I have a hard time shopping and I need advice on what I should buy. I've been eating brown rice and vegetables and I am feeling like I am dying from malnutrition.

The shops round where I live don't offer much variety I'm afraid, so I am kind of restricted.

I want to know if I can eat fresh vegetable curries or stews or something I can make easily as I am not a very good cook.

I wrote to you before saying that it has caused my body to give off a foul odour which I can't get rid of and I seem to think that it has caused leaky gut syndrome and no matter what I eat my body reacts to it by coming out in a rash which I think are called hives.

I have lost all my friends and my job because of this so as you can imagine depression has set in causing me to contemplate suicide.

I know there is no overnight cure and my doctor refuses to accept my illness saying that I should cut out garlic but there is so many contradicting remedies out there I don't know which ones to look at.

I need some one to talk to who has same symptoms because suicide does only seem my easy way out of this dismal life that I used to enjoy.

If you could give me some advice on what food I could survive on then it would be much appreciated as this could actually save my life.

As I said before I am not a very good cook and I live on my own so if you could make it as simple as you can I would be very grateful.

Thanks very much.

Dear Gary,

I'm so sorry
to hear you are having such a struggle. I did reply to your other question about laxatives and yeast infections.

Please find someone to talk to about your suicidal thoughts. There must be someone in your area that you can confide in. It doesn't have to be a friend. You could speak to a counselor or a minister. Sometimes strangers are easier to talk to than people we know.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. It doesn't really fix anything, and unless you know the Lord it only makes things much worse!

We have a few different pages here on the site with good ideas for the kinds of food you should eat when you are trying to get rid of a yeast infection.

If you read through those links, that will help you know what you can eat.

Vegetable curries might be okay if you modify them to eliminate anything that's not compatible with a candida diet. I've never made a curry, so I'm not the best person to ask. :)

By the way, what reason did your doctor give you for cutting back on the garlic? What type of garlic are you using - real garlic, or garlic capsules?

Although garlic is generally considered quite helpful for combating yeast overgrowth, I have read that certain garlic oil capsules can be harmful if taken in excess.

The other suggestions I gave you when I answered your earlier question are still my best suggestions as far as natural supplements that should really help you start feeling better soon. Definitely try them if you can.

I've added you to my prayer list and I hope that you will start to feel better and be encouraged soon.

To your good health!

Comments for What Can Or Should I Eat For A Chronic Yeast Infection?

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re garlic
by: gary beech

i am eating fresh red and white garlic (organic) not the capsules. i cant find any yoghurt that has no sugar in it and i cant find any apple cider vinegar that i was told about.

Garlic, Yogurt, and ACV
by: Angie

I would have thought fresh garlic would be quite fine for you to eat, unless there was some specific reaction you were having from it. Did your doctor say WHY you should cut it out?

Usually organic yogurt is without added sugar. It doesn't necessarily mean their is no sugar content, but no sugar in the ingredients list.

Do you have a health food store anywhere in your area? They should be able to get the raw apple cider vinegar for you even if they don't carry it in stock. The most popular US brand is Bragg's, but I don't know if that is available in the UK.

If worse comes to worse, you may be able to order it online directly from Puritan's Pride.

systemic yeast infection and morgellons NEW
by: Anonymous

I have Morgellons syndrome and this involves a systemic yeast infection. For some reason, I dont know why but NHS test come back negative! My Gp said he could see i have candida and i know for a fact i have it systemicaly. I am also very allergic to the die off. I actually think this is the end! The fungus has been comming out of everywhere in my body really badly for at least 3yrs. I have just found a product that is for people who cannot take normal anti fungals and I must say i dont feel as if im going to die. Its a godsend! My G.P. doesnt give me anything as tests were clear, this says he has sent me to let it get worse and hope the end is near! whatever is wrong with the NHS and candida, not to mention morgellons!Im sorry but i have a beautifull daughter I love so much and i cant leave her heartbroken because of the pathetic NHS. Very tired but must fight for the right to live. Very hard when you have debilitating fatique! I may go quite for a while but the minute my energy ups i will fight till the end. I believe its GMO food so you can imagine the work i have ahead of me! There is so much to this disease and I pray someone will be able to help me. Ive lost my life already through this but i could never hurt my daughter by ending it all as i want to. So the struggle goes on and on. Cancer would be so much easier to deal with even if it killed me. God bless everyone with Morgellons-I know how alone and frightened you are! Try not to lose hope no matter how hard! xx good luck!

Systemic Yeast Infection and Morgellons NEW
by: Angie

Dear "systemic yeast infection and morgellons,"

How crazy that your GP can see that you have Candida and yet has not offered you any solutions since your test came back negative. Parasite testing is notoriously unreliable, and he should know that.

Regardless, there are plenty of things that can be taken that can help and not hurt, even if candida turned out not to be the problem. Too many doctors are just not educated on this matter.

You mentioned not being able to take "normal anti-fungals" but could you be more specific? What kind of anti-fungals must you avoid, and why?

I'm glad you have found something that is helping you, but you still sound pretty overwhelmed, tired, and discouraged.

I definitely can understand why you don't want to leave your little girl! That would be tragic indeed!

Have you considered trying Herbal Fiberblend, Bear Paw Garlic, and Florafood to get rid of this systemic yeast infection? They are definitely worth trying and if you find they are not working for you or your body can't tolerate them for some reason, you can return them for a refund.

Also, for the fatigue issue, try either Barley Life or Leaf Greens. They are so nutritionally rich that they give most people a boost of energy and also help to balance the body pH levels.

My heart goes out to you and I sincerely hope you will keep fighting, that your health will improve, and that you will have a long and blessed life mothering your daughter.


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