White Hair Thin Worms

by Jenn S.
(Northern California)

Strange White

Strange White "Hair Thin" Worms In My Skin

Some Long (2 inch) and some short (2 cm) white "hair thin" worms that move when pulled out of skin.

Hello, my name is Jenn. I am a 27 yr old female. I am currently dealing with an odd frustrating issue that cause many (doctors, friends, family) to question my sanity.

I do not and have never done drugs of any kind. I do NOT pick at my skin, only at the occasional pimple from hormonal acne.

I am a healthy female who has recently discovered white long "hair thin" like "worms" I guess you could say, poking out of my skin. I just got out of the hospital after my immune system was low (Leukopenia) and had meningitis.

Prior to being admitted, I had these "sores" on my back, face (jaw, around mouth, upper neck & chin), and chest (cleavage and upper chest below collar bone), swabbed at the hospital. The sores were chronic (3 months). I had them swabbed and it came back that I had MRSA-a resistant staph infection.

However, I knew that it was something else because I had "pulled" out some tiny white hair thin "worms" that moved around on the tweezers!

To give you a mental picture - it wasn't like holding a caterpillar that squeamishly freaks out and thrashes around - it was like holding a real piece of hair up and blowing on it - causing a "sway" motion.

While in the hospital, I was on Vancomycin, a very strong antibiotic for my meningitis and MRSA. These "sores" healed completely during my 2 week stay in hospital, but now 3 weeks post-hospital, the sores have come back once again. :(

Now they are on my back and one has just started forming on my face near my jaw-line. They are a crusty brown color that hurt!!

From my past experience, if squeezed like a zit, it will pop like a blood blister, only blood coming out - so a blood blister. If given a couple days and squeezed again, it will continue to "pop" as a blood blister.

I have tried vancomycin, topical hospital grade antibiotic creams, tea tree oil which seems to work a little (3 healed after applying but 1 did not), mouthwash (I know weird, but every time I rinse with it, the "worm hairs" are in what I spit out).

So here is my concern - 2 days ago, I scratched my face on this sore and 2 secs after taking my hand away I noticed a 2 inch long white "hair thin" "worm" that was "swaying" about. I grabbed my tweezers to inspect it, and it continued to move!!

I am obviously freaking out at this point, telling myself, I am not crazy I am not crazy. I'm pretty sure I don't have morgellons. I don't have ANY of those symptoms.

I thought that it would be a good idea to have some proof, so I filmed it in different sequences - holding it with tweezers, setting it down, etc. Every time it continued to move. I also put it in a plastic container as well.

So here's the creepy part. My father has the EXACT same thing. We both got MRSA at the same time, were admitted to hospital 2 weeks apart, had the same sores, odd spinal tap fluid exactly the same, both had PiCC lines on Vancomycin - and we live 2 hours apart from each other! However, we both were staying at my grandparent's (his parents) house for about
6 months because my grandmother has Parkinson's and we were helping them.

Their house is old and we showered in well water water from old pipes. My father thinks we got it from their house. It could be a fungus? But can a fungus move around like that? I'm assuming they went dormant in my body while in hospital because they had no more sores to feed on. I don't know.

Oh and one other thing I forgot to mention is that the sores will have a small hole directly in the middle, so if the "scab" is picked off, there is a hole. Parasite or fungus feeding?

I'm scared to tell my doctor because I don't want him to tell me that I need to visit an institution. Being that I live in the USA, this is "UN-common" & considered a "drug user" affliction. I have been doing a TON of research and have found nothing. Please help!!!

Thank you.

Dear Jenn,

It appears that you forgot to sign up for the email notification when your question about white hair like thin worms was posted, so I do hope you DO come back and look for your answer here.

Not being a doctor, I can't diagnose you, but I can make some pretty good educated guesses. For one reason or another, your immune system has been attacked and weakened. It may very well be that your stay at your grandparent's house was the initial attack, if you were perfectly well before that.

It's quite possible and even likely that you and your father picked up some type of bacteria from the water there (or even another source that you were both exposed to). That may have been the first attack on your immune system which brought on the lowering of your white blood cell count (Leukopenia) and the subsequent infections.

Unfortunately, although you were given extremely strong antibiotics that may have helped initially, if you failed to get rid of the parasite entirely and boost your immune system after the antibiotics you were very vulnerable to a "relapse" and regrowth of the parasite infection.

ANY time you take an antibiotic, it is essential that you boost your immune system with probiotics and as much good nutrition as possible so that you don't end up with a fungal infection or something else.

My suggestions to you (and your father!) to deal with your current situation and try to get rid of these white hair thin worms is to CLEANSE INTERNALLY and BUILD UP YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. I put that in bold for a reason. It's extremely important.

Internally, you need to take the following supplements:

  • Herbal Fiberblend
  • Para 90
  • Florafood
  • AIMega
  • Garden Trio

The first two will target and eliminate the parasites and fungal infection and the others will rebuild and strengthen your immune systems so that you don't keep falling prey to re-infection.

Externally, for the sores you can apply some topical essential oil mixed with some olive or coconut oil, or even Aloe Vera gel (if you happen to have a plant). You mentioned tea tree oil, which is good, but I find that clove oil works really well and I've read some excellent studies about the bacteria fighting properties of coriander oil.

I sincerely hope that both you and your father will get started cleansing and rebuilding your immune system as quickly as possible before your situation gets worse. If you want to follow this protocol as suggested, order here.

Angie from allaboutparasites.com

Comments for White Hair Thin Worms

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Jan 23, 2022
by: Nutso

Has there been any recent updates on this matter of infection. Iโ€™m so sick of dealing with this. What are they ?

Jan 07, 2021
Almost the same but different
by: Melony

I came here because of the THIN WHITE WORMS coming up on my search. I do have THIN white worms growing out of my skin. I also have what looks like larvae sacs that come out, sores that won't heal and a lot of pain in my liver, stomach and heart. I have no idea what these things are, some that look like scans seem to cling onto my skin and they are tiny. I've also noticed that when I rub my skin white tissue paper looking things come out of my skin. These things seem to stay in areas that were sores, or come back to the same areas. I have them from head to toe and I'm very very miserable. They itch, if I scratch one and it comes open it bleed like crazy. It does not go away though. It seems that rubbing my skin causes the white crap, some I can't even see to get up my nose then I cough until my face turns blue and crap comes up that I spit out. My body swells that I feel but looking at me people can't really see. My ankles, face and now my stomach are constantly swollen. I feel these things here and there, thought it was my imagination but if I look there is something where it itches. I've been taking the three antiparasitic natural tincture for 10 days now, I seemed to get more and more of these things tho. I'm at a loss and pretty soon I will match the diagnosis of crazy if I have to keep living like this. I'm at a loss for ideas and I'm a researcher but for the life of me I cannot discover the name of what I have. If I'm going to die I'd like to know what killed me. I swear I've read so many things that are sort of the same thing all over the internet, but some things don't match or things arentnthere that I'm experiencing. I've been going through this for six years. I too went in to the hospital with a very high fever 105, high for an adult. I was in and out of a comatose state. When I did wake I was told I had pneumoniae, I couldn't figure that out since I didn't even have a cold...however don't correct a doctor, ever. I was let out six days later, they gave me a present of MRSA to take home, told me I had sepsis as well as pneumoniae. Four days at home I started getting sick and its been with me ever since. If anyone has the slightest idea what I have please don't hesitate to say. No Dr is going to.

Dec 27, 2020
angelos NEW
by: mikayil

ok, you contracted the nemertinia ribbon worm, they are a rheumatic disease.
i got it from a crab i undercooked.
1 month is all it took it nearly claimed my life.
make sure you are taking mebendazole, they will all die within a day.
the ebendazolranti wormers, are the key to your life back.
my last condition was anaemia in november ...
nearly died. this is dead serious they are so powerful

Sep 07, 2020
white worms also NEW
by: karen daniels

i too am getting the false drug wrap for my suspicion of bodily worms. i found out exposure to round worm, usually from racoon, but also human pin worm and yape worms can infest the human skin. be careful not to spread it to your eyes like i did. my doctor wont take it seriously as it leads to profitable medical care. hush-up about worms and see if you can find a similiar ailment that you can prove that the medicine will also kill either pin round or tape all which can effect the skin eyes blood, when they get in your lungs they are called flukes. this is dangerous because the physicians in the usa wont call it. frustrating to be a dollar on someones pocket until you perish. but because of danger to themselves they can deny the diagnosis. when i told my civilian dr i had toxo. she went on vacation for a month. Good luck, google roundworm et cetera. ๐Ÿ’™ i got the same blues,kk

Jul 12, 2020
Same NEW
by: Stacey

What u described is exactly what im gping thru. Went to the dr who said my fave looked burned other than that nothing was wrong. My family thinks Im crazy but the hole in the middle and the the thing in the middle that when you try to get it , it moves away back into the skin. I am grateful to have found the page. How to rid urself from this? its truly maddening.

Jun 13, 2020
tiny white brittle,pokey worms
by: frustrated

I too suffer from this. I bought a microscope attachment for my phone cameras and I have many pictures of these micro translucent white hairs that are alive. When I pull a few hairs out of my head, my hair starts moving by itself, it seems. something is causing it to move. My skin feels gritty sometimes and I am constantly rubbing off this layer of dirt. sometimes it feels like a million splinters are in my skin. How ever, after reading hundreds of people having this issue and doctors won't entertain the notion of parasite you cant see. I have found that they hate ALOE VERA GEL..When I rub my body down with aloe vera gel, these textured lumps of soft tissue come off my skin.hundreds of them.and with a a little patience I rub my hair with aole vers gel.iy rellyf workd well. allows temporary relief .I have soo many picture of thi thing.

Aug 23, 2019
I feel you pain NEW
by: Ricky Puentes

I recently got this white haird menace... Every one thinks I'm a drug addict so far... They won't even look at what I caught... The doctor wants me to seek help but all I wanted was them to look closely and stop pre judgement... I never asked for drugs from the doctor and now they look at me like Im crazy... How can I get this looked at so i don't get my doctor to call the cops again

Jun 14, 2018
Shannon who posted a comment on here I you to get a hold of me. NEW
by: Beth


Everything you named in your list I've done.
I've eaten raw oysters , been on 70 mgs of Vyvanse, hell had a neurologist out me on 100 mg. when Vyvanse first came out. He believed it was a safe dose for everyone, he was crazier than hell. I had an abortion. I was bitten by no seems a small fly in the Everglades. Who knows what else but me I was tore up. I danced vintage furniture, and swam in the ocean!!!

Jun 14, 2018
The same exact thing is happening to me! NEW
by: Anonomys

I too was in the hospital after being treated for MRSA. I also was on Vancomycin. The only difference is I have a septic tank, but. We did have problems with our plumbing. Our basement flooded many times bringing rain, and septic tank water in. I did fall and hit my heat, also got soaking wet! I had these things in my scalp, under my nails, I had a sore in my knee, I could see one poke out, my face, hip, for over 3 years now! The worms are mostly in my scalp on and sinuses and lungs. Mine seem to be really thin but getting longer and longer over the years! The fun part is EVERYONE thinks I'm nuts! I don't even bother with it anymore. I was recently in the hospital for pneumonia with sepsis and on Levaquin. Oh forgot to mention we did have mold remediation done too. That was a few ago. Sorry for jumping around. Only allowed to write so much. I tried a few things. Black walnut hull, my own tincture i used moonshine, let it sit 6 mos, also some paracleanse. I'm disgusted, this is all I think about night and day.

Mar 27, 2018
Yes me too NEW
by: Chris mass

Don't fell bad it ever were u will probably see them in your clothes moving around when your not wearing them I have them so bad in my toes and in the back of my neck the only thing that every worked is scabe cream it worked for 3 days and came back my face is bad I look so old I fell like a monster sometime I wish I would die I'm so used of being beautiful now I'm bold and I'm fat and dont eat it look like they stick together like there smart u get one they all come for you no one beloved me for years it was really sad I got looked up in a mental hospital for it and lost my kids they made me sign over my right in the hospital or my kids were going n
Be talking from the home so I did and my husband knew I was not lying it sad i fell like I deserve it I most dine something horrible because I would not wish this life on anyone it horrible i know u women wish deaths it sad were losing are hair teeth skin it diacoloring are skin I get slulitice all the time for no reason I didn't even go to the dentist and I get it on my face it love hair that how it get around don't do but I put if boots clear on my skin and omg so much shit came out it was more then one thing I had scabe and white inch hairs that were scabe and white bugs that were jumping out I have bugs under my nails like u woeldnr believe and Listerine kills them easy too I put my feet in that my feet are the worst and nose runs so bad . We need help were not crazy I wish they made some shots that kill all bugs on are hair and body it be so easy I pay for that . One time I put something on my lips and it broke and I mean tons of worms came out they were so big and they were eating each outer I didn't eat even my daughter said there moving but no one helped me they wanted to calm me down I just keep saying I deserve it . I know u don't if i could take your pains away I would I'm so sorry fell better u Trimble depressed sleepy not your self don't be scared I see my wires and close boots moving too I talked to alote of people that have this problem that have both if u don't that great if u do I'm here for u bye much love good luck

Feb 12, 2018
A simple treatment NEW
by: Dave

I'll forego detailing my journey with this ailment but have found a very simple treatment. This doesn't cure it but allows for visualization. All the physicians I've seen for this condition all say, I don't see anything. That leads to a biopsy with results ranging from eosinophilic perfusion to fungus.
I have made many treatments but unfortunately, they work for a brief period, then the condition develops resistance.
The easiest treatment is to apply baking soda (yes, the stuff in the frig)
For the scalp: this is important, DO OUT RUB IT IN, just pat it on. Apply to small sections at a time. Stretch the scalp with one hand and apply with the other. The density of the skin is most thin when stretched and allows better penetration of the baking soda.
For the neck and scalp: stretch the skin, pat on and use a rubbing motion with water to remove.
The head, neck and face should be done at the same time. In anywhere from 2 to 10 minutes, the movement of something under the scalp starts and is scary.
I shave my head and I think it is necessary. When applied to a hairy scalp, it seems to latch onto the hairs under the scalp and isn't expelled. A thick layer of baking soda is needed.
The sensation of popping will begin as well. Small holes will be visible all over the scalp. The baking soda is displaced and holes with black centers appear.
Now the temptation to use tweezers will be overwhelming, don't do it. The organism is repelled by metal, hence why biopsies don't seem to catch it. Rubber tips on the ends of the tweezers are necessary.
This is not a cure but has reduced the numbers on my scalp and has cleared up my face and neck beautifully. Thanks

Dec 19, 2017
White moving hsird NEW
by: Heidi Schmidt

It's morgellons. There is a 100% infection rate. They kinda twist funny and look like the have a bent end,like a head. Look up morgellons moving fibers on you tube.Everyone has a little different symptons. Those fibers come out of my hair which has been taken over. Not really hair. Whatch some vids on morgs.Your not alone.....

Dec 16, 2017
by: kayla

this is scaring me it really is. ive had EXACT same thing. sfer i lived at a vvey unsanitary place for 6 months. Its gotten so much worse i feel like there is a hole in my throat i can hoik up foam.. theres always some at back of my nose and if i dit down and twist my back to the left while keeping legs straight my stomach starts to gurgle and empty into a space by my lower left kidney. I cant tell anyone they will chuck me in the loony bin but i have seen my partner recently experiencing the symptoms and i saw the look of 'what the ?' help me where to i go

Dec 05, 2017
by: Dee

I want to say. Wow. I am not alonee. And, dr's here in the usa are too undereducated on this.

Nov 17, 2017
Could this be it?
by: Shannon


Oct 17, 2017
Going on 3 yrs
by: I totally understand

List of medication

1.Anyone taking Vyvanse?
2.Swam in the ocean?
3.Eaten oysters?
4..Sanded "Vintage Furniture" or handled furniture that was maybe old and had mold hidden under a layer of spray paint?
5. Abortion
6. Traveled to Caribbean?
7. Bit by flies ( panhandle of Florida)

I have racked my brain and not completely 100%. Have had No one to confide in. I understand you all. It is a long road but you must keep on. Get back on minocycline. I tried this before but I gave it a second go when I received a ton of samples. Take at least 100 mg daily. First day double up take two. Get some Get some bezyol peroxide wipes. Strongest you can find. Keep your face clean and use these to dry out the growing bumps. Stay consistent with the pills. I bought the illuminate touch during the Nordstrom anniversary sale. It is a at Home hair removal devise that has done wonders. Iโ€™m still in the process. But itโ€™s been with the help of forums like these that I get the help and support. We can do this

Oct 04, 2017
I have something like this
by: Sherry

My hair like worms are a translucent light color. Some being black and half translucent, when I pluck them they grow to be 2 inches long! I also have them in my hair. On my forehead I get black hairs that grow and I can feel and see them growing. When I take a shower I have "sludge" stuff on me and in the bottom of the shower. Same as when I shampoo my hair, it never feels clean! I can see the sludge looking stuff in my hair.

I absolutely feel like I'm going crazy! I have probably lost a job I love. Thank God my family members have seen it or they would have me committed.

At a loss and feeling crazy. I went to a dr. Today he told me it was nerves. Did not listen or really look at the places I've seen them. That's the 3rd Dr who thought I was crazy. I was treated like a crack head LITTERLY in ER. They immediately took me through double doors that had two rooms made me strip they took my clothes and handbag and told me it was the law!! I am over Drs.


Sep 04, 2017
Hydrogen peroxide
by: Anna


I've found that spraying hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle in th shower before I turn it in works well. Let it sit for a couple minutes after rubbing it in. It kills anything on the skin.

Sep 03, 2017
To the OP Jen. Please contact me. Our experiences are the same.
by: jas

Salutations. I'm hoping that the OP, Jen is reading this. My name is jas. I feel ridiculous posting this because it is the most private most vulnerable position to be in. I am grateful for my partner however he is suffering from the same symptoms.. mine being a little bit more intense due to my love of gardening and living in a old home in Northern California that had previous water damage. The "landlord" didn't disclose any information about a preexisting roof issue. Flat roof home.Let's Fast forward through 9 months; the rain, the termite swarm in our bedroom,the damp closet, the mold, ect Yes, everything was communicated to the owner. He waited 3 months to come by to "look at it" . Well, he did a bit more than that.zhe got up on the roof and pushed standing water down the siding of the house. It was black..that's how long it had been sitting around. We moved immediately out of the roomamd across the hall. My partner wasn't himself, malaise. I was a scattered nervous wreck unable to get anything accomplished. And we had two dogs in tow.
After a lot of curious bodies things.. hairs on tongue, some sort of white sway like threadworm . my partner and I start to also feel the affects of toxic mold exposure which is pretty much like being on a low dose bad hallucination while experiencing this threadworm..so yeah - we felt crazy and the medical community didn't help not validate that we weren't . Now after endless loads of laundry, date money spent on gloves, wishing to feel my partners touch..I AM OVER IT. No more. end game. I have decided to take charge of our health and advocate for care. Look up strongloides. Contact me if you have any thoughts or need some support. Here is a good mental picture to leave you with.. here I a, typing on my iPad with gloves on.. my hands are saturated in neem oil.
If you've tried topical neem you know about the ..pungent scent.
It has helped with the due off process.
I'd be happy to share more info with you as I believe in community healing.

Aug 25, 2017
What is it
by: Jen

I have worms that look like hair coming out my skin.unlike some i am a drug user first time I noticed i did a coke shot.i noticed my hair moving so i got tweezers and pulled them out they was moving. I am a iv user im not see n shit im not crazy like anyone i tell this to. Im not a nasty person yet i want to die think about this issue. Please help me what is it? Only difference from helen and i no sores. Yet they change it seems like the are clear or like like my regular hair and on my head they look like my hair which is long curly brown black and carmel color. I lose hand fulls of hair in shower the hair/worms or whatever it is moves.when hot my head hair moves all by itself. They are everywhere too on furniture they look like clear curly fibers or a clear shine whitish yellow maybe it is mayb it aint but they float in the air too help me

Jun 21, 2017
Same thing
by: Jamie

I've been dealing with the same issue for a year. At first it started off as sores on my legs and arms, I thought they were ingrown hairs but I hardly get pimples as I'm 38. My period stopped in oct 2016, I've gone to the doctors for extreme neck pain (in the front) for diagnosed w a neck sprain, then swollen lymph nodes. Finally, like you, I got one. I even got it on video fully moving. But, all my stool samples and blood tests came back negative. I've been prescribed 2 dif parasite meds, currently on Albendazole. They come up my throat, my gums, tongue, ears, nose, eyes, finger nails, hands, feet, basically everywhere. My dr refuses to send me to infectious disease until I have a positive stool sample. I put 3 very big, moving worms in my last stool and they didn't detect it. I'm at a loss with what to do but I'm telling you I feel like I'm going to die. I've use DE and still am, it helps the itching and stinging but they don't go away. I choke on them coming up. I don't know what to do anymore but I feel like I'm going to die. My ears and nose frequently bleed. I don't pick. I feel like I'm going to die. Glad there's people who understand what I'm going through. I feel I'm going insane.

Jun 07, 2017
I have the same thing im scared
by: Steph

Hey im Steph and im 27 as well. I have the same things going on and I keep trying different things in hopes of killing these things in skin, they are coming out my lips, my face my arms and legs everywhere. I have gotten extremely paranoid and have started taking risky measures trying to get rid of them. I have literally bathed in windex, Clorox,lysol and other chemicals trying to just make them go away! Help me please.

May 06, 2017
Try the Natural Parasite Cleanse
by: Angie from allaboutparasites.com

For those of you who have made recent comments and are still suffering and looking for relief and answers, let me encourage you to please try the natural parasite cleansing protocol that it is outlined here. You really have nothing to lose and are likely to find a great improvement, particularly using the Herbal Fiberblend and Composure.


May 04, 2017
Hair worm
by: Evans

Ex husband has been battling with the same things everyone has wrote about he is wilting away and going crazy he goes to the hospital and everyone looks at him like he is on drugs or something he is loosing his hair his eye sight blurry he skin stays dry most of the time has anyone found solution to this

Apr 03, 2017
Hair Like???
by: Debbie

This all sounds familiar! It started with black mold.I had dyed my hair dark and it felt all slimy and brittle.Next there was a bald spot on my head. IM freaking out.went to doctor cause I couldn't breathe. He put a scope thing up my nose and I could see the inside of my nose on screen and saw thread like movement.All the doctor saw was inflamation! Next they come out of my skin.And now my hair is falling out.When I read this was not just me , I feel more sane. STILL in the middle of everything.Takin Black Walnut capsules.

Mar 25, 2017
Im so scared i cant leve my house !!!!!!please im begging for help
by: Angie

Somebody please call me im begging you !!!!!if you have this !!!!!2267574696 im thirty two kid and im scared im gonna die from this i dont want doctors to say im crazy it will distroy me and i dont know what to do im afraid for my kids what if i give ot to them

Nov 05, 2016
Sharing resource
by: Worm Worriies

I will be sharing a significant amount of data reflecting exactly what you are talking about in the next 36 hours.

Dont worry you are not alone. Yesterday after shaving my body on the theory that a percentage of my hairs were worms, 4 psychiatrists in the ER told me I was delusional so I just left and went home. That brings it almost up to 20 professions who have less vision thab my camera which echos everything you describe.

Quick questions:

- anything strange about either of your feet or your dads?
- do you guys eat much meat if so how do you like it cooked?
- do you spend a little or lot of time in the sun?
- did you have an itchy bum?
- any scar looking tracks?
- do you see black or blue or red Mollegans proteins?
- did you see the fatter worms with teeth
- ever pull out the penis looking things that have black spines and you thought were ingrown hairs?
- notice things falling out into your sheets or bath?
- have you thought the sores are actually cysts?
- have you read up on hookworms?
- what are your iron levels?
- is your stomach acting up?
- do you recall incidence of crazy fever?

7 days ago after 2 years of searching I decided the were worms after lathering vaso and seeing them pop out.

Also worked for me that after two years caused thousands of worms to leave my body this week and return my health to normal:
- drink chrysanthemum
- drink and apply fresh aloe
- sitting in full sunlight (I usually spend no time in the sun)
- bathing in magnesium salt mixed with soap (I like method) and disinfectant (I used Detol)
- drank sodium bicarbonate

Nov 04, 2016
Long skinny thin worms
by: Vicki

Im devastated also while brushing my teeth i rinsed and went to sit down and i felt wet slimy thread like mmaterial in my mouth i took my finger and ran it across my gums and to my horror i pulled three worms out i just devastated i will not go to the e.r im too embarrassed im just at a loss and im afraid im so scared ive swished with tbe the strongest mouth wash i can find im just devastated

Jul 01, 2016
Thin white hairs
by: Helen

Jenn-I have the same holes in my skin. They are red and look very deep. Always under any scab, or no scab, I have red holes. My skin has brown crusty lines, as if a brown worm were under the skin. I thought I was aging poorly, with deep forehead creases and deep lines outside the eyes and around my mouth. When I soak my skin with Vaseline mixed with tree tea oil I am able to take the tweezers and they come out. For some reason shaving cream, in the can, really makes them active and come out. I shower with the shaving cream and the drain clogs with white and clear slime. The white, crunchy and stiff hairs on my shaved head swell when lotion is applied and they look like small white worms that try to go back in my scalp. They are not moving and wiggling after they are pulled out. They swell and get fatter in alcohol. My wigs are being ruined, they look like something is eating the hair because they look chewed up and frizzy. If I leave a new wig next to an older frizzy wig, the new wig becomes frizzy and chewed up, so I can only think that it is contagious. I have thought before maybe I picked up a dreadful condition from the wig shops. After wearing a wig just a few times the hair becomes bushy and thicker, too thick at the roots, it makes the wig look like dried out straw. They start out soft and beautiful and turn ugly very quickly. Yes, I shampoo them after each use, but if something is feeding it isn't going to be washed out with shampoo. I have observed with a microscope in my hand, something looking like hair travel down the length of the wig hair. This "fake" hair is with clear or white, my wigs are blond as I was a blond before I started shaving my head. When I try to let my hair grow my scalp gets so itchy and the crawling is much worse, so I do what no woman should have to ever do, shave my head. There are black colored hairs that grow in along with the white and clear hairs, I have never had dark hair in my life. My face and ears have grown these crunchy white hairs that move too. My nails have changed drastically. They have ridges and my experience has led me to believe that the worms travel behind my nail beds to the end of the length because there are definite holes. Also the cuticles are thick and a dark color. The nail clippings show ridges and grooves with brown lines and holes. I know this all sounds insane, but I am an intelligent sane woman who has never before had these issues. If pictures and specimens had nothing in common I would not believe this is a parasite infection but the same shape, the same texture and colors match each other, whether it be skin, hair, mucous, nails, nose, hair clippings or eyes. The exact same symptoms with the exact same parasite. I can take a q-tip and gently rub it across the skin around my eyes and black hairy fuzzy material rubs off on the tip. Same with the outer ear. Black mold? I have also had water damage under all the sinks. The leaks have been repaired and I have sprayed chlorox and water. Also, I had black mold growing on the closet organizer that is made from cheap particle board. I sprayed that with chlorox and water and repainted the entire house. I pulled out carpeting and had tile flooring in the entire house as well. Mattresses are so expensive but that is my next expense. I would lay my head down on the pillow and feel pulling from my scalp, as if everything in my scalp was escaping into the pillows and mattresses. This feeling never occurred when I laid my head on the couch or chairs, just in bed. Of course I throw away pillows every month and buy new. It seems in the beginning I had unusual lint or dust balls in my house. I would do the normal broom or vacuum cleaning and they seemed to move to avoid being cleaned. These were everywhere and not behaving like usual dust, nor was the amount normal. This has improved over three years, but then I clean every day and vacuum under furniture, in the seams, everywhere, and I didn't do that before. The lint catcher on my dryer seems very full, after just one load I have to clean the lint out of it. Much more lint than ever before. Threads on clothes are more than used to be, also, always pulling threads off everything I wash. I pull the clothes out of the dryer now and spray disinfectant spray while still in the laundry room. If too much lint, I will rewash until there is none. One other strange occurrence is the disinfectant spray I buy is cheap from the dollar store. When I spray it on fibers, thread, strings etc. it makes popping noises and you can see the popping with a release of fluid. Doesn't happen with Lysol, just this cheap spray. I wear a knee high stocking under my wig. I take the stocking off and spray it and it sounds like popcorn popping. When I tan with the tanning bed I hear popping sounds coming from my skin. That is the only reason I tan. Sometimes the popping on my skin continues after the 20 minute tanning session and I have to wait before I exit so nobody will hear me. I spray a wig I just took off and it pops from the spray. I have these huge callous looking lumps on my knees that won't come off. It looks like a callous but when I use the pumice stone or chemical peel the lumps just bleed. Does any of this sound familiar to anybody?

May 11, 2016
Crawling, biting and itching.
by: Helen

Thank you for your comments. It is now 2016 and things are pretty much the same. I have no life. These days I have these light, airy, white or translucent, different lengths, but always the same width, almost ribbon like parasites coming out of my nose, going in and out of my ears, within ten minutes after I eat. It feels like cobwebs when it first starts coming out, causing me to swat at my face and head. There is also a a bug looking parasite coming out of my nose with a ragged edge down the length. I apply Vaseline all over and they get stuck. They roll up into something like a very hard grain of salt. They come out of my eyes and stick to my mascara on my eyelashes. When I use eyebrow pencil to outline my eyebrows they move, changing the shape of my eyebrow. I know, , it sounds like I am delusional. I have a psych that treats me and claims she is giving me enough medication to treat delusions and it is not possible to still suffer, if that were the case. I still have to shave my head. When I have an area or spot on my scalp that out of nowhere begins intensely itching, I look to see what it is, it is always a bright red, pink, blue, black, white, or green thread looking parasite. It goes under the scalp, over follicles, curls up, it is different lengths. Some come out of one follicle and enter another.

I am so tired I can't stay awake for more than an hour at a time. I take a shower, wrap up in a towel, sit down to dress and don't wake up for six hours. My dogs itch when they are near me. They won't lay by my head or if they do, within minutes they get up and move away. My eyesight is so worse, my Opthamologist tells me I am losing my sight. He saw a black worm flash by during an exam. He tells me to rush to Stanford, UCLA tells me to go home and get a referral and return ASP. My G.P. told me to not make an appointment if the subject is bugs. I can remember things from 40 years ago but could not tell you what I cooked for dinner last night. I have spent thousands on wigs and that is all that I have left, wigs. I really believe I will die from this disease. Lately I look at my granddaughter and out of the blue come to the realization that I won't be going to her graduation. It's not a feeling sorry for myself type feeling. It is just a realization that this will be what ends up defining who I am and who I was. I am ready so it is not even emotional for me anymore. I used to be so much more. If you are reading this, I hope you get well. I hope one day you will be able to confide in a loved family member who turned their back on you and say "see? I wasn't crazy, it has a name, and my doctor is treating me." That would be a glorious day. Years ago I had a hysterectomy and when the hormone didn't help my symptoms, I was told get psychiatric help. Nobody else reacts the way you are, it is all in your head. That later changed and hormonal changes having adverse effects in the woman's brain is now accepted and treated. A year later, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. That was a time when you were told it was caused by a misfire of pain messages to your brain, which somehow lessened the seriousness and painful disease it truly is. It was all in your head my G.P. told me, both times. I feel I was blessed both times to have been referred out of my G.P. office and into the specialist doctor who not only believed me, but treated my symptoms. Hopefully, this will happen again one day for people suffering, it will have a name, a treatment plan and maybe a cure. Personally, I don't care anymore whether it is mental or medical. I don't care if it is called an infection or infestation. I don't care if the doctor announces to me he is going to call my psychiatrist or my husband and report me delusional, psychotic or on drugs. I don't care if when I walk in the office all the chatter quiets and nobody will make eye contact me. I don't care if relatives and friends stop calling or coming over to visit,. I don't care when they do come to visit if they are watching me and rolling their eyes every time I reach up and scratch my head or face. I am way past feeling dirty and ashamed. What I do care about is that I don't hate myself or find fault with myself, feel guilty or of no value. Whatever this is, no matter how disgusting, I can't freak out anymore about it. I can only do what I can, keep the house disinfected, clothing and linens clean, the garbage taken out every day, keep trying to eat healthy foods, and not use more than one bar of soap in the shower. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

May 04, 2016
Little White Worms

EXACTLY the same thing...thought it was little in-grown hairs. when i would try to grab them they wiggled up back inside...GAVE ME THE HE-BE-GEE-BEES!

Thought I was imagining things, glad to know I AM NOT CRAZY

Dec 02, 2015
White Thin Worms
by: teresa

I am only seeing comments duringOn 2013 and 2014.. Is there any new solutions to these disgusting little (and sometimes not so little) white worms? Mine are living in my carpet, my hands, my feet, my face, might as well say my entire body and home. My family thinks I am truly crazy (or on Drugs). My husband is ready to commit me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 02, 2015
I feel Cerazy
by: Autumn

I have all those problems & Dr says im crazy so does boyfriend & family I cant take anything all natural I'm allergic so what can I use

Sep 28, 2014
why am i here doctors told me im wrong when i was right
by: jackie

So yes you have brown worms you have worms coming out of everything a nat wouldnt have cause that to be honest it would have to be a fly. But if there that bad go to a doctor or bag your evedince right then take to be evalutaed if you dont have alot money then send it to a rescherch place and honesty the for parasit killing would be methodole for killing namotodes which is what this worm would be classified i think that how you spell it but hellen it sound like you got a bot fly investation i heard ovile oil works well but i never had that dont sollow the worms at all swish with ovile oil if i saw pictures hellen i could help u better hritypie@outlook.com

Jul 20, 2014
Possible Help For Your Worms, etc...
by: Angie from allaboutparasites.com

Hi Helen,

Are you in a position financially to follow the suggested protocol that I outlined to Jenn above? I really think that would be your best option, if possible.

You need to tackle the problem internally, in my opinion, in order to achieve any lasting results.

In addition to those suggestions above, another supplement you may find helpful is called Composure (also an AIM product) that naturally helps lower stress levels, anxiety, etc.

I hope these suggestions are do-able for you and that you will soon be seeing progress and improved health.


Jul 20, 2014
Scalp eggs and tiny black gnats
by: Helen

Two yrs ago had infestation of tiny black gnats, flew at my face as I vacuumed, got in carpet, in my eyes, and in the mascara on my eyelashes, noticed passing the mirror they landed on the back of my head, flew around twice a day. Then I began losing my hair, itchy scalp, fatigue, I am now bald. I have seen brown worms that have a v shape at the top, shiny thin black worms, fat white and/or pink larvae going in and out if the pores on my scalp. The white circles fall from the huge pores on my head to the floor and are everywhere. I have seen tiny legs on the circles. I wear a knee high stocking under my wig and when I put it under the water to wash the stocking blows up like a balloon. The worms are visible in the stocking. Thousands of tiny white pieces are also trapped in the stocking. I change it 3 times a day and it is always full. My wig came off in the pool and the stocking was able to wildly swim about the pool. They are in my mouth so I hate to eat.. I spit my food out and brown worms are in my food. My nose, my intestines, skin, eyes, clothing, car have them.Help me, please. I have a psych for depression, no drugs or alcohol.

Jul 22, 2013
white hair thin worms
by: Anonymous

Oh my goodness. Finally!!! It has been twenty years I have been dealing with this. I have looked up everything, been to doctors who all roll there eyes when they walk away. Mine sometimes gets so bad I just want to crawl up an hide. I know out in public people stare which so makes me want to just go hide!!!

May 29, 2013
white tihin worms
by: Anonymous

hi I have been fighting something like this. One dr told me I was picking it and causing it my self in other words "morgellons" not so I went to another dermatologist and with in 5 mins he had seen what I have it is simaler to a rash from a hot tub anyway he gave me doxicyclen and it is working well and seen my family dr and he gave me another prescription for it he said it needs to be taken for a FULL 30 DAYS to clear it up it is a not sure how to spell it is psudnomas and it is resistant to most antibiotics and he also said to take the probiotics daily also so far I am finally getting better I also did a lice treatment you get it any pharmacy over the counter you put the stuff on your whole body and wait 10 mins it will help to kill parasites I had some small tiny brown things come from my skin I hope this helps

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