Yeast Type Acne
by KTA
What can be done about "yeast-type" acne?
My daughter started on this herbal treatment and now has a yeast-like acne. Up until now she has had crystal clear skin.
Acne can be the result of yeast overgrowth and it can also be the result of too many toxins built up in the body (particularly the liver).
The sudden appearance of this "yeast type" acne after beginning an herbal treatment may be her body's attempt to get rid of the excess toxins in her system.
What type of herbal treatment is she using and for what purpose?
Of course, there is always the chance that she is reacting to a particular herb as well, so that needs to be considered if the acne doesn't begin to clear up after several weeks.
If the herbal treatment is a cleansing formula for yeast overgrowth, for example, there would be a time of yeast die-off. When the body is trying to eliminate the dead and dying Candida overgrowth it sometimes has to send the excess toxins to the skin for elimination if the organs can't keep up, hence the acne.
This acne should only be a temporary concern. As the body gets back into balance and the yeast/toxins are eliminated, her skin should clear back up again.
She can help herself to get through the process more quickly by eliminating sugar and processed foods from her diet for a few weeks.
She can also benefit by taking supplemental probiotics, like
Florafood, and nutritional support and immune system boosters like
the Garden Trio.
To her good health!~Angie