Parasites In Children

Parasites In Children

It is not at all unusual for parasites in children to develop. It doesn't take much to transfer a parasite worm from one child to another. 

It is equally as easy for children to pick up intestinal parasites simply from playing outside in dirt where animals have also been.

Even simply failing too wash their hands before eating can result in a child with parasite worms.

Don't be alarmed! Although parasitic infection can be quite serious if undetected and untreated, in most cases, a child with parasites is not the end of the world. It is relatively easy to treat this condition. If you treat your child early enough, the only ill effects they may suffer is an itchy bottom or a stomach ache.

There are several different types of parasites. Commonly, the ones you can see in the stool are roundworms, pinworms, and tapeworms. Hookworms or whipworms may be in the system but not evident in the stool. 

Cleanliness is important in the prevention of parasitic worms, but don't be overzealous. God made us with an immune system for a reason. If you never allow your child to be exposed to any germs for fear of them "catching something" you are doing them a disservice. 

Their immune system needs to develop by consistent exposure to everyday germs. That's not to say you shouldn't teach your child simple principles of good hygiene and rules for cleanliness.

Everyone needs to develop the basic habit of washing their hands every time they use the bathroom. Hands should also be washed thoroughly before preparing or eating food. 

If you suspect your child may have picked up some form of intestinal worms, don't panic. There are several ways of treating parasites in children and killing them.

There are "worm medicines" like Mebendazole (Vermox) that can be given to the child, but I prefer more natural remedies like the use of herbs.

A good herbal fiber blend mixed with a bit of juice a couple of times each day will cleanse the colon and kill off any parasites in children.  (The trick is getting them to drink it). :-)

I believe Herbal Fiberblend is the best cleanse for this purpose.

According to researchers, the most common parasite among children in temperate climates such as ours, is pinworm. Crowding children in schools and day-care centres has been shown to increase the incidence of pinworm infection from the "normal" (one in six), to approximately 90%.

Pinworms, also called threadworms or seatworms, lay their eggs just outside the anus (backside hole). This causes itching, especially at night. Scratching allows the eggs to stick under the fingernails and be carried to other places, including the food eaten later. This allows for a continuous cycle of pinworms.

Seven Steps in Treatment and Preventionof Parasites in Children

  1. A child who has pinworms should wear tight diapers, nappies, or pants while sleeping to keep him from scratching his bottom (anus).

  2. Wash the child's hands and buttocks when he wakes up and after he has a bowel movement. Always wash his hands before he eats anything.

  3. Cut his fingernails very short to help prevent the spread of eggs from under his nails.

  4. Change his clothes and bathe him often, washing the buttocks and nails especially well.

  5. Put Vaseline in and around his anus at bedtime to help stop itching.

  6. Give the child a dose of a good herbal colon cleanse twice daily. A worm medicine can be used, but I prefer and recommend the more natural treatments.

  7. Practice the rules of cleanliness for good personal hygiene.

Quite often when one member of the family has parasite worms, it is passed to the rest of the family. It is wise to treat the whole family at the same time for optimum results and to keep from continually passing it around.

Order Herbal Fiberblend and start cleansing your family today!

To your good health!

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Be as descriptive as you can and also mention what you have already tried so we'll know what other options might be worth suggesting.

Keep in mind that we are NOT doctors and can't diagnose you, but we'll do our best to help you find answers and make suggestions of natural remedies you may want to try.

Have you had any experiences with battling parasites that you'd like to share? Maybe you have a tried and true remedy that you'd like to tell us about. We'd love to hear from you, too.

Angie from

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